Harry Imagine *requested*

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Harry imagine for Fatima_Kleit

It was early Saturday morning and you were visiting your brother. It’s been a while since you two saw each other and it was nice just hanging around and catching up. Not to mention his job as One Direction’s fitness instructor. They were your favorite band of all time and the stories your brother had about them were hilarious. Anyway, your brother woke you up and told you that he had to go to the gym because Harry wanted to workout and your brother asked it you wanted to go. You looked at the clock and it was 6 o’clock am, but if it meant you meeting Harry Styles, you were up for anything. He added that you were going to be boxing and you couldn’t be more excited. You and your brother used to box all the time. He taught you how and it’s been a hobby ever since. You grabbed your gym bag and hopped in the car.       

When you got to the gym, you told your brother you needed to change in the locker room, so he said to meet him where the boxing ring was. So, you went into the locker room to change. Surprisingly, the locker room was really nice. It had rows and rows of mahogany lockers and a hot tub and a sauna in the back. You went to find an open locker and started changing into your boxing clothes (pic on the side).     

When you got to the ring, you saw Harry and your brother boxing together. Oh my god… Harry and your brother are boxing together. You were silently freaking out. When you were finished, you calmly walked over to the ring and stepped inside. You decided to just watch a bit and you were leaned up against the ring’s ropes. Then, you saw a huge punch being taken at Harry’s face and BAM, he ended up underneath you with his big green eyes looking straight up at you.  

“Hi, I’m Harry,” he says smiling. “Uhh, Hi! I’m—uhh.. I’m Fatima,” you reply. Holy crap, you were talking to Harry Styles! Harry gets up and is standing right in front of you.    

“You must be my trainer’s sister, huh?” he asks.    

“Yup, that’s me,” you say smiling. “He’s great. Best trainer I’ve ever had,” Harry says. “Thanks. He loves working with you guys. He talks about it all the time,” you say. “Funny, he never mentioned how pretty you were, though,” Harry says.    

You blush, you could feel the color rising to your cheeks, “Thanks.” “Anytime. You look ready to box, though. I’m up for a challenge. Wanna have a few rounds?” he asks. “Sure,” you say a bit hesitantly. You knew you were going to beat the crap outta Harry.     You’ve been doing this your whole life! But you step into the ring anyway. A few punches were thrown by Harry, which you dodged, and you threw one right back which hit him the the stomach. In the end, you won, you weren’t one to let someone win, even if they were an international superstar. “Good game,” Harry says out of breath,”You’re really good.”    

“Thank you! I’ve been boxing since I was a little girl, but it was more of a hobby.” “Well, since you’re the champ here, lemme bring you out to dinner tonight,” he says. “Really? I’d love to!” You exchange numbers and he picks you up at 7 o’clock for a life changing night.              


(A/N); Yo! What's up? :D Happy new year everyone, I hope you all had an amazing start and i wish you all the best for this year it gonna be awesome!   -Btw I hope you like this one, kinda random i know :P -   As you may know -or not- I started school this week :( I was not prepared at all and I honestly just wanted to go home but the first day wasn't that bad, missed my friends though. And guess what, we are already bombarded with homework and tests and sh*t ! Ugh...   Anyways I may not be able to update this weekend, because: 1. We have a 'school party' thingy on Friday 2. I'm sleeping at a friends house Friday - Saturday 3. Saturday evening to Sunday morning is my best friends birthday :D so excited   Yeah so I'll try to update but can't promise anything!    

Please make sure to vote and comment telling me what awesome gifts you bought for your BFF's bday.      

Make sure to also follow me on instagram: @1dinfectionone or my private account @zeina_official

Or on polyvore: ilovefashion1d.polyvore.com

Kik me? Zeina123   


Goal: 520 votes +5 comments      

I love you all , thank you so much, take care and i'll see you guys soon!

Z. <3  

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