Liam Imagine *requested*

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                                                      Liam Imagine for EmilyHester7

It was your birthday today, so you were going out with your best friend to celebrate. You were turning 17, and were super excited about it. You two finally decided to go to an Chines buffet for dinner, then hang out at your house and watch movies. You quickly got dressed, before driving over to your friend's house to pick her up.

"Hey Ybff/n !" You called as she ran to your car, ducking her head in and jumping inside. She slammed the door and quickly reached for the radio, turning the volume up as you two heard the first few beats of What Makes You Beautiful. You two started dancing and singing as you drove to the restaurant.

"That's what makes you beautiful!" You two sang the last line of the song and then started cracking up, as you drove into the parking lot. You quickly parked and walked inside, taking a table and ordering your drinks.

"I'll have water please." You said, and your friend asked for the same. You two grabbed your plates and split up, getting your favorite things from the buffet. As you finished filling up your plate, you carefully balanced it as you walked to your seat. You were suddenly knocked over by a tall figure, spilling you food all over yourself. You dropped the rest of the food, along with the plate, onto the floor and you heard your friend gasp behind you.

"Why don't you watch were you're going!" You shouted, angrily, trying to wipe the food off yourself.

"I am so sorry!" You heard the guy say, bending down to help you pick up your plate.

"Yeah, well you shoul..." You stopped dead in your tracks as you looked up to see the person you had run into was Liam Payne. Your huge crush from One Direction. You stared into his eyes in shock, losing all the anger you had been feeling.

"I am so sorry, how can I make it up to you??" He asked, still trying to clean up everything. Before you could answer, your friend grabbed your wrist and looked at you in shock, realizing who he was as well.

"Excuse us..." She said, pulling you out of the restaurant, leaving Liam standing dead in his tracks, confused.

"What was that for!?" You shouted at her, as you two stood outside the front door of the restaurant.

"That was Liam Payne!" She yelled, wide eyed, as if you hadn't noticed.

"You don't say?!" You stared at her, before you heard the door beside you two open.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but I'd really like to make that up to you..." Liam trailed off, so you could fill in your name.

"Emily." You said, and he smiled at you, making you blush.

"Well, Emily, I'd like to take you and your friend somewhere, anywhere you'd like, to make up for accidently spilling your food on you." He smiled.

"Well this Birthday keeps getting better..." You whispered to your best friend, making sure Liam wouldn't hear you.

"It's your birthday?!" Liam, asked, surprised. Damn. Either you were a terrible whisperer, or he had supersonic hearing. You nodded slowly, and he leaned into hug you, before remembering you still had food all over your shirt.

"Here." He said, taking off the Brit jumper he was wearing, which was your favorite of all of his clothes, and handed it to you so you could put it on. You took off your shirt, so you were standing in just you tank top, and threw the jumper on quickly.

"Thanks." You smiled at him, and your friend rolled her eyes.

"Well, I'm definitely taking you all somewhere, since it's your birthday!" Liam said.

"Could you bring Harry with us?" Your friend muttered, as she had a huge crush on Harry. You glared at her, but apparently Liam hadn't heard.

"Thanks, Liam, but you really don't have to do that." You said, hoping he would be persistent.

"No, really, I have to! Where would you like to go?" He asked, putting an arm around your shoulder.

"There's a fair open down the road, if that sounds fun?" Your friend interrupted, and you nodded, actually liking that idea.

"It does sound fun!" Liam said with a smile. Your friend smiled at you sneakily before reaching into her pocket and pretending to get a phone call.

"Oh, Mom? Yeah..... Sure, I'll be home soon!" She said, before "hanging up" and looking at you and Liam.

"My mom needs some help at home, so I'll see you guys later? I'll take your car, Emily, and you can just ride with Liam, I guess?" She said, setting you and Liam up. That sneaky girl.

"Oh, sure! I'll just drive you home afterwards." Liam said, genuinely thinking that your friend had to go. She quickly left and jumped in your car, speeding home, leaving you and Liam outside the restaurant.

"Should we get going?" He asked, walking to his car and opening the door for you. You smiled and got inside, buckling your seat belt as he walked around and got in, starting the car. You couldn't help smiling all the way to the fair, excited to be with Liam, your biggest crush. You two walked around for a little while, getting to know each other, and it turned out you had a lot in common. You shared a cotton candy as the night was starting to set in, and the Ferris wheel was finally lit up.

"Let's go!" Liam said, taking your hand and intertwining his fingers in yours as he ran towards the line for the Ferris wheel. You blushed and ran quickly behind him, holding onto his hand tightly. There wasn't a long line, so you got on the ride almost immediately, and Liam was still holding your hand. It started taking you two to the top, until you stopped, in the very top spot, and heard a voice come over the intercom.

"Sorry, Ladies and Gentleman, but it looks like we are having some difficulty with the ride, so you will have to remain seated while we fix it. Please no rocking the seats or standing up. Sorry for the inconvenience." Now, you were stuck 50 foot in the air, on a Ferris wheel, holding hands with Liam Payne. He turned and smiled at you, wrapping and arm around your shoulders and pulling you close to him.

"Emily, I'm kind of glad I spilled your food on you today. I mean, I would've never met you otherwise. You're so sweet, and amazing, and I would really like it if you'd be my girlfriend?" Liam asked, blushing, and trying to look into your eyes. You smiled back, overcome with shock.

"I-I-I would love to Liam." You finally got out, and he smiled the biggest smile ever. Before you knew it, he was leaning into you, his lips crashing into yours. He pulled you close to him, giving you a gentle kiss, before pulling away and giving you a huge hug as the ride began again, taking you two to the bottom, and letting you off with your new boyfriend.


(A/N): This is so cheesy but anyways hope you like it! Tell me what you think! :D


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