Louis Imagine *requested*

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Louis Imagine for TallSiSmAiMoFo

You and your boyfriend Louis, wanted to go to the park but since it was raining, you decided to watch a movie. Louis picks a movie, while you're in the kitchen, making some popcorn, what is a movie without popcorn?

"What do you wanna watch,babe?" Louis asks.

"I don't know? Whatever you want." You putting the popcorn in a bowl then walked into the living room and sat beside Louis, who put his arm around your sholder and pulled you closer. He starts the film and the name of the movie appears on the screan 'Titanic'.

"Titanic? Really?" You ask raising your eye brows.

"Yes, Titanic. Oh and please don't cry too hard, its just a movie." Louis teases. You roll your eyes.

"Oh please! I'm sure you're going to be the one crying." He snorts, "Yeah, we'll see about that!"

"Wanna bet?" you ask

"Okay, if you cry first, you have to keep a phone case with my face on it for a whole year." he smirks.

"And if you cry first, I dare you too post a picture of you in a carrot costume on Twitter." You smirk back.

"Okay, well prepare yourself to loose, i'm sorry babe, but Louis Tomlinson never loses!" He reassures. You laugh, and sarcastically smile.

"Yeah, sure ."

And with that you start watching the movie.


At nearly the end of the movie, not a tear left your eye, your eyes didn't even water, but you still thought the movie was really sad. You look over at Louis and see that he's at the verge of tears. A huge smile appears on your face, and you nudge Louis.

"Aw, is wittle Wouis sad." You tease him in a baby voice, he glares at you and rubes his eyes. " Who is the winner?" You yell doing a litte happy dance.

"Come 'ere." Louis yells and sneaks his arms around your waist from behind and spines you around. You gasp, and start laughing uncontrollably. He puts you down and spines you around in his arms so that you're face to face.

"How come you didn't cry? The movie is so sad! Do you even have a heart?" He jokes. You jokingly glare at him, and shrug.

"I don't know, I never cried because of a movie." You said.

"Well we'll have to work on that." Louis winks.

"Oh so you like loosing?" You tease him.

"Ha.ha.ha very funny" He rolls his eyes, and looks away. You sigh, and turn his face so he was looking you in the eyes.

"Sorry." You pound, sticking your bottom lip out and giving him your irresistible puppy dog face, he chuckles, and kisses you, you smile.

"So where is the carrot costume?" Louis chuckles, you giggle and walk upstairs.

And that was the last time you watched a sad movie ;)


(A/n): hello😁sorry its not very long 😥but hope you like it anyways! It took abit longer that i planned to update but yeah!
Requested Niall Imagine is on the way!!!


So have a wonderfull day, and keep requesting for preferences .

Lots of Love xoxo

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