First day of school

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Hannie's POV
*alarm goes off* BEEP BEEP BEEP!!! Ughhh time to go to school. As soon as i got ready a quickly ate my breakfast and went straight to school. In case you are wondering i attend one of the best high schools in Korea, only smart and rich students attend this school. When i walked through the school gates i went to search for all of my friends, none of them were here yet, "maybe they woke up late." i told myself. It was now 8:00am and none of my friends were here so I decided to give them a call.
"hello? Kristina are you coming to school or not?" i said
"yeah im on my way." she said while ending the call.

5 minutes later...
"HANNIE!!!" I heard several voices calling my name, i turned around and saw Kristina and Sajal walking towards me.
" Sorry our van driver was so slow." Sajal said
"I wonder where Zuleika and Jez are?" said Kristina
"They are probably going to be late (as usual)" i said.

When it was 8:25am everyone started walking to the basketball court because the teachers are going to tell us which classes we are going to be in since it's our first day of year 8. Luckily Sajal, Kristina, Zuleika and Jez were in all of my classes. When homeroom finished Me Sajal Kristina Zuleika and Jez went to our first class which was Science. All five of us were really scared because in our school there is a really scary science teacher that no one likes her name was Mrs. Lee (lol i couldnt think of a name)
When we went in the classroom we sat in our seats and waited for the teacher.
"I hope we dont get Mrs. Lee!" i said scared
"IKR if we di-" Zuleika said but she got cut off by the teacher...
"Good Morning class! My name is Ms Park and i will be your science teacher for the rest of the school year." the teacher said.

Everyone was so relieved that we dont have Mrs. Lee as our teacher. Our teacher Ms Park was super nice but she didnt let us sit in our desired seats instead she gave us a seating plan.

Front table
- Min Yoongi
- Kim Namjoon
- Sajal
- Bora (get ready to see random names)

Middle table
- Park Jimin
- Kim Taehyung
- Me
- Zuleika

Back table
- Jeon Jungkook
- Kim Seokjin
- Kristina
- Jez

Right table
- Thomas
- Brandon
- Stephanie
- Charmaine

Left table
- Lleyton
- Jackson
- Caitlin
- Angelo

When Ms Park finished arranging us Zuleika gave me a nudge and looked at Jimin. If you are wondering why she did that its because i had a crush on Park Jimin since i met him. We became really good friends but i've always wanted to be more than friends with him but i never had the courage to tell him how i feel. I started to blush and i nudged her back and looked at Taehyung because she had a crush on him. She started blushing. Lets just get everything straight, Me Zuleika Kristina Sajal and Jez all have a crush on someone.
I have a crush on Jimin
Zuleika has a crush on Taehyung
Kristina has a crush on Jungkook
Sajal has a crush on Yoongi
and Jez has a crush on Seokjin
Jimin Taehyung Jungkook Yoongi Seokjin Hoseok and Namjoon were all friends.
After Ms Park called the roll we started doing our title pages for a new unit we will be learning and i looked over to Jimin (who was next to me) and surprisingly he was so good at drawing i felt my jaw drop because of how good he was. After looking at his title page i started doing mine, i wouldnt say that mine would be the best looking title page but it was still good. I was nearly done with my title page and i heard a voice next to saying that my title page was so good. IT WAS JIMIN!!! I felt my heart beating faster and i started to sweat. I didnt know what to say i was panicking. After about one minute of thinking about what to say i said " Oh thanks yours is really good as well!" and smiled at him. After that little conversation i looked down to my book and i felt my turn really hot and red as a tomato. When i was done with my title page i looked around the classroom. I saw all of my friends talking to their crushes. "Should i talk to him?" i asked myself.
"Umm Hannie whok are you talking to?" Jimin asked while laughing
"Oh um yeah i was just saying that i should improve my title page." i said nervously
"You dont need to, its already perfect." he said with a smile which made me blush.
"Haha thanks."
"Are you going to do anything at recess?"
"No not really."
"Can you come with me to the basketball court i want to introduce you to my friends!"
"Sure but is it ok if i bring ny friends with me?"
"Of course."

Time for the next class which was English. "Thank you class you may go now and see you tomorrow!" said Ms Park

When we were walking to our next class i told Zuleika Kristina Sajal and Jez that Jimin is going to introduce us to his friends. Everyone was really excited.
and then there was awkward silence. And then we all started laughing and continued walking to English.
(cbbz righting what happens at english)

*fast forward to recess*
As soon as english finished, Me Zuleika Jez Kristina and Sajal ran to our lockers to put our stuff away. Before going to the basketball court, we all went to the toilet to fix ourselves. When we finished we slowly all walkied to the basketball court be ause we were nervous.

Kristina's POV
UGHH ( kristina remember my english poem ahahahaha) the girls were walking so slow i just cant. So I decided to go ahead of them because recess was about to finish anytime now and we were still walking. When i arrived at the basketball court i froze, I suddenly became really nervous. I could see the boys but i didnt go up to them instead i just waited for the other girls to arrive. But as soon as i turned around i heard someone call my name i turned around and it was Jungkook. "Dammit i got caught" i thought to myself.
"Hi Jungkook!" i said while blushing
"Hi, where are your friends?" he asked
"They're on there way."

Sajal's POV
We finally arrived at the basketball court and i saw Kristina already talking to the boys. We went up to them and inteoduced ourselves. All of talked so much but i couldnt stop looking at Yoongi he was like SO BEAUTIFUL!!!  All of us became really good friends and the boys invited us again to hang out with them at lunch but where us girls usually hang out and ofc we all said yes.

When recess ended we all went to our lockers and met each other at our next class.

ANNYEONG!!!! i hope you will like this fanfic and i will try and update once in a while. Please comment any suggestions about what i should put in this fanfic and please please please vote!

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