First Weeksary pt. 2

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Seokjin's POV
When Jez and I arrived at the cafe, everyone was there. Hannie was sitting with Jimin, Zuleika was sitting with Taehyung, Kristina was sitting next to Jungkook, Sajal was sitting with Yoongi and Jez and i took a seat next to Sajal and Yoongi. We started off our dates by ordering our milk teas.
Yoongi's POV
While we were waiting for our orders, i looked at Sajal, she was so pretty especially when she smiles, every time i see Sajal smile its like my whole world stops except for her which makes me happy. I'm so glad that Jimin was friends with Hannie because without them i wouldnt have met Sajal.
Jungkook's POV
When we were taking our orders i kept on staring at Kristina, she didnt notice me staring at her because i hid my face with the menu. I was waiting for her to order what she wanted because whatever she gets i will get. After about 5 minutes of waiting for her to order, she finally said that she wanted to order a taro milk tea with black pearls, so i told the waiter to get two taro with black pearls one for Kristina and one for me.
Taehyung POV (happy birthday tae tae!)
When i arrived at the cafe only Hannie and Kristina was there i greeted them and went to the toilet to fix myself just incase Zuleika comes at any minute. I fixed my hair and put some cologne on to make sure i not only look good but smell good as well. When i walked out of the toilet i saw Zuleika! My jaw dropped, she was so pretty. I walked up to her and started talking to her.
Jimin's POV
I was the second last person to arrive at the cafe, thats because there was so much traffic! Everyone was worried about me especially Hannie.
"Jimin what took you so long, i thought you would never come!" she said worriedly
"Im so sorry i was late there was so much traffic. And why would you think that i would leave you alone here with no one when eveyone here has a date." i said
She was pouting for a bit and then she smiled and hugged me. She's just too cute. While we were hugging, i greeted her Happy Weeksary! and she greeted me back showing me her gift for me.
Namjoon's POV
When everyones order arrived, the five boys and the girls gave each other there weeksary gifts. It was so cute.
Jimin gave Hannie a photo album were they are going to put there photos together in it and Hannie gave Jimin a tshirt that said "i love this girl" and another that says "i love this guy." I found that really cute. They both wore there new shirts and took a selfie together, they then put that photo onto their new photo album.
Taehyung gave Zuleika a necklace that said her name on it and Zuleika gave Tae a jacket that had his name on it on the back. They are really made for each other because their gifts for each other both had something that had their name on it.
Jungkook gave Kristina a phone case that had their photo on it and Kristina gave Jungkook a broken heart necklace and she got the other half of the heart. They both wore it and connected it together to form a full heart.
Yoongi gave Sajal a new video game that she really wanted and Sajal gave Yoongi a watch that had a photo of them in it. They said after the date they would play with the game together. Sajal and Yoongi were the gamers that were unbeatable, they win every time no matter what game we play.
And lastly Seokjin gave Jez her own copy of one of her favourite books called the 'The Horse"( lol i couldnt think of anything) and Jez gave Seokjin a photo album with all of their photos together in it.
Hoseok and I were just looking at them because it wasnt our anniversary with our girlfriends. So we decided to leave them alone and go on a double date with our girlfriends.
Hannie's POV
After our date we all went home. "OH MY G THAT WAS ONE OF THE BEST DAYS OF MY LIFE!!!" i said to myself. I couldnt sleep cause i couldny stop thinking about Jimin. I kept on replaying the scenes in my head and i noticed that i was smiling like an idiot, but i couldnt help it i kept on fangirling. When i was just about to sleep someone texted me. It was Jimin.
"Goodnight babe :)" he texted
"Goodnight ChimChim." i texted back
"I love you!"
"i love you too"
Annyeong people!! Sorry for this kind of short chapter its because i've been really busy in these past few days. Vote and comment!!!

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