thats a long ass ride

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not an update people! I got tagged by pinkvprincess


- You have to post the rules

- You have to tag 13 people

- People that have been tagged have to list 13 facts about themselves

- Answer all the questions the person who tagged you had asked you then leave another 13 questions for the next tag

- You must not refuse (+.+)

- It must be done within a week or the creator will pick a punishment 

- You have to create a unique title

- Please don't comment here

- Has to be published in one of your books!


13 facts about me!

1. My name is Hannie

2. I've been dancing since I was three years old 

3. I'm the only child (sad life)

4. When you first meet me I will be really really quiet but once I adjust to the person I'm really really crazy and loud

5. I would describe myself as dirty minded XD (pinkvprincess)

6. I'm Filipino but I live in Australia

7. I am currently working on my BTS album collection. So far I have their O RUL8 2 album, SKOOL LUV AFFAIR (its my baby), DARK AND WILD, HYYH PT 1 (pink) and HYYH 2 (peach)

8. I'm a devil baby meaning I was born on Halloween

9.  Jimin's birthday is on the 13th of October and if you switch the numbers around ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!! 31st of October! WE'RE MEANT TO BE! jks jks 

10. You would always find me watching either kdramas or filipino dramas

11. I.M JIMIN JINJIN (only people who know me will gets)

12. Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok mixed is my spirit animal

13. I like eating 


Questions for me!

1. Where are you from?

I'm from Australia but I am I Filipino

2. When did you get into kpop?

i got into kpop in 2014 

3. What do you think you would be doing right now if you haven't gotten into kpop?

I would be fangirling over Daniel Padilla, James Reid and Alden Richards, Maine Mendoza (my favourite filo actors) and watching filipino dramas

4. Ultimate bias?


5. Do you play any sports?

what? pffffttt no way i hate sport

Questions for

s8jal_KpopbangtanboyshasjamsBluestarz254xx-yoongibearBangtanNielTaemeawayjiminismybaby and whoever is reading this!

1. Ulitmate bias?

2. Your top 5 favourite kpop groups

3. Where are your from?

4. Kdramas or K idols?

5. Favourite korean drama


Sorry if i haven't been updating in a while because I have so much holiday homework *cries a river.* I promise I will update tomorrow :)

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