Moving On

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Jimin's POV

After about 10 hours on the plane, we finally arrived to Korea. Ahhh i miss this place i've never been here since i was five years old. I wonder what Hannie is doing now? Is she angry at me? I hope she's okay, i thought to myself. I was looking around and thinking about Hannie when suddenly my mum comes to me.
"Jimin now that we are here in Seoul, please forget about that girl, she was nothing but a big distraction to your life. You are going to be famous now, i know it will be hard for you to forget her but i promise you, once you start training and debut, you will only be thinking about your tours all around the world and how famous you are." my mum said.
When my mum said to 'forget' Hannie, i wanted to cry. How am i going to do that?  I dont want to forget her! I will make her my inspiration. When im struggling to do something while training i will just think of her. I will do this for her.
Once we got our bags we went straight to our dorm that us five boys will be staying in, our parents wont be staying with us but they will be visiting us once in a while.
Taehyung's POV

When we finally arrived to Korea, we went straight to the dorm that us five boys will be staying at. Our dorm was quite small but it was just right for five boys. I miss Zuleika, its so boring without her. I bet she's really angry at me. My parents said that i should forget her. How am i going to do that when she is always on my mind 24/7? I cant just let go of all of our memories just like that. If i do move on which i know i wont then it will take time. While i was organising my stuff the first thing i got out was a photo of me and Zuleika, i put it on top of the side table next to my bed so everytime i miss her i can just look at her. After all the boys finished organising their stuff, we all went go see Namjoon hyung and Hoseok hyung at BigHit Entertainment
Jung kook's POV

When we arrived at Korea i was super excited because i can finally be famous but i was also sad because i left Kristina without her knowing that im leaving. I looked down to my chest and held the broken heart necklace that Kristina gave me, i thought about all of our memories together and when we will see each other again. When we arrived at the dorm, we all picked our beds.
I sleep next to Jimim hyung and Taehyung hyung. I saw that both of them were placing photos of them and the girls (Hannie and Zuleika) so i did the same. I can tell that all of the boys are all heartbroken especially Jimin hyung. Our parents say that we have to move on but i dont think we can do that. I dont want to forget Kristina so quickly. After fixing our stuff we all went to BigHit Entertainment to meet Namjoon hyung and Hoseok hyung.
Yoongi's POV

When we arrived at Korea i felt sleepy so when we were going to our dorm which was kind of far away from the airport, i fell asleep.


"Yoongi! Why would you do this to me!" a girl with a blank face said
"What? Who are you? And how do you know my name?" i said.
"Dont you remember me? IM THE GIRL THAT YOU LEFT WAITING IN THE PARK!!!! She got out a knife and started walking towards me.

~end of dream~

"Hyung, hyung, HYUNG WAKE UP!!!"
Jungkook said.
"AHHHH!" i screamed.
"What happened, did you have a bad dream?"
"Yes, Sajal was angry at me for leaving her waiting in the park so she tried to kill me." (lol that would be a good horror story s8jal_Kpop )
"Hyung that would never happen, that was just a bad dream. Sajal would never do that to you."
"Your right thanks Kookie."
I cants stop thinking about the dream i just had. Does Sajal hate me now? I hope not. I kept on replaying my dream in my head over and overb again. I miss Sajal. I hope she will forgive me for what i have done.
I put all of my things in my room which i shared with Hoseok hyung, Namjoon hyung and Seokjin hyung, i wasnt bothered to organise my stuff and we needed to go to BigHit Entertainment straight away to talk about our audition.
Seokjin's POV

We're finally here in Korea and so far im not that excited because all i can think of is Jez. I cant help but think that she hates me now because of what i did to her. I feel like i just wasted all of our time together, all of our anniversaries and all of our dates. I will never ever forgive myself if Jez is angry at me. We finally arrived to the dorm and everyone rushed to get their beds. There was only two rooms and i was too slow so i had to sleep next to Yoongi ahhh his so lazy and he snores so loud. I put a photo of me and Jez on top of the side table and the photo album that Jez gave me jnside the drawers. We were running late so we went to BigHit Entertainment after organising our stuff.
Hannie's POV

I can't believe myself, im such a hypocrite. I tell the girls to move on from the boys but i cant even do so myself. I struggle getting up in the morning cause i know school would be boring without Jimin. I always dont have the energy to do things. I skip meals almost everyday, but worse of all, my grades were nothing compared to my usual, they were all C's D's and E's, i used to get straight A's when Jimin was still here. I miss him so much, i look at the photo album that Jimin gave me. All of our memories together felt like a waste of time now. Im not that angry that Jimin left me im just sad and disappointed, cause i know that Jimin would never ever do this to me. I decided not to move on cause i cant. I know Jimin wouldnt want me to be like this so i am not going to move on and go back to reality. I will go back to getting good grades and living a good life.
Zuleika's POV

Hannie unnie said that us girls have to move on from the boys. How are we supposed to do that when she herself can't even move on from Jimin. I know she's hurting so much  and i understand why she wants us to move on. But for the past few days she's been acting normally, the sweet and funny Hannie. 

'Hi unnie! You look happy today." i said 

"HAHA in fact i am." she said

"May i know the reason why unnie?"

"I decided to not move on. I know that Jimin and the rest of the boys would never leave us like that, but even if they do i know that they would come back for us. I'm sorry if i told you girls to move on from the boys when i can't even myself. So instead of us being miserable and hating on everyone lets go back to normal and continue living a good life."

"YAY unnie, thank god we don't have to move on because i just can't get over Taehyung hehehe!"

"HAHAHA ok enough joking around and lets go to school now."

HELLO PEOPLE!!! Sorry if i haven't updated in a long time, its because i just came back from the Philippines and i've been really tired. I promise that i will update more often or if I'm not busy maybe everyday ^_^ Anyways i hope you guys are liking this story, don't forget to comment and vote. 

For the past few days i've been thinking about making another fanfic but I'm not sure what i wanna do. So if anyone has any ideas about what i should do please comment them down. Kamsahamnida!

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