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Sajal's POV

I woke up to the sun directly on my face. I got up from my bed and washed my face (the usual morning routine) I cleaned our rooms a bit and i noticed that Zuleika wasn't in her room, I looked all around the house for her, even out in the lobby of the hotel, she wasn't anywhere to be seen. I started to get really worried so I woke up the girls because of the emergency that was happening.

"Guys wake up!!! Zuleika's missing!!!!!" I said looking everywhere even under the blankets and under the bed. I don't think any of them heard me so I tried again.

"W-what? What's happening" Hannie said half asleep and rubbing her eyes.

"BRUH ZULEIKA IS MISSING!!!" I shouted and that's when all of them woke up.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S MISSING?!" Kristina asked panicking and trying to help look for her.


"WE HAVE TO CALL THE POLICE!!" Jez said as she grabbed her phone

"We can't it hasn't been 24 hours since she was missing." Hannie said

"Then what do we do?!" Jez asked

Jimin's POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, I got up from my bed and looked at my phone, Anne (Hannie) is calling, I answered the phone wondering why she would call this early.

"Yeoboseyo Anne!" I said smiling that she decided to call me

"J-jimin?! Hello can you come help us please. Zuleika is missing" She said, I could tell that she was panicking by the tone of her voice.

"W-what?! Ne ne we will be there right away!"

I woke up the other members and walked out the door. As we were going into our managers car, I realised that Rapmon wasn't here with us. I went back to our dorm to look for him, but he wasn't there.

"Hyungs, Rapmon is missing...." I said catching my breath

"Ugh what?! Let's talk about it with the girls." Jin hyung said. We drove all the way to the hotel the girls were staying at. 

Hannie's POV

While we were looking I heard a knock on the door, I opened it and it was the boys.

"OMO we can't find Zuleika!!!" I said as Jimin hugged me and telling everything was going to be ok.

"Well Rapmonnie hyung is missing as well... Hopefully they are together." Jimin said

"Ahhh hopefully noona and hyung are alright!" Jungkook said

We walked outside and went to search for them in pairs. Jimin and I, Jungkook with Kristina, Jin with Jez, Suga and Sajal and V and Jhope.

~30 minutes later~

All of us met near the park and there was still no sign of Rapmon and Zuleika. We decided to take a rest and went back to our hotel room, hoping they might come back.

~earlier during the day~

Namjoon's POV

"So you are Zuleika! So that means the other girls must be Hannie, Sajal, Kristina and Jez?!" 

I kept replaying those words in my head, I was so stressed out i didn't know what to do. I really wanted to tell the boys but I promised Zuleika not to tell anyone. It was six in the morning and the other members were still sleeping, I grabbed my coat and went out the door, It was snowing a bit but I didn't mind the cold. I decided to walk around the park a bit to get my head off things, I really needed it since I've been really stressed ever since I found about the girls. While I was walking I noticed a girl sitting on the bench with her head down, I decided to walk up to her. As I got closer and closer to her, i realised that the girl was Zuleika. 

"Zuleika?" I said tapping her shoulder, she looked up to me looking sad and depressed.

"Oh a-annyeong.." She said with no energy to even speak 

"You ok?" 

"I don't know what to do. I never knew it would be that hard to tell them." tears started falling off her eyes.

"Ne I know, there's no easier way to do it."

"I just wish that I had the courage to say it.. but i just can't. I know if i tell the others, you guys would probably never see us again. Even if Taehyung left me, It's hard not to be angry at him. Imagine how the girls would react if I tell them, especially Hannie she was so sad when Jimin left her, we couldn't concentrate during class and we would get bad grades, It was as if our lives were ending. It took us quite a long time to move on, but eventually we did. I'm scared that I might not see Taehyung again, deep down in my heart, I always had feelings for Taehyung and that feeling gets stronger and stronger every time I see him." I wiped off the tears that were on her cheek, I was speechless and I had no idea what to say to her.

"I'm so sorry Zuleika, I-I don't know what to tell you but what I do know is that Taehyung still loves you, he never forgot the memories you shared with him and he always talks about you. Whatever your decision is, Taehyung will fight for your love, he will never give up on you." I hugged her to make her feel better.

As we broke the hug, the sun was just about to rise which meant that it was time for both Zuleika and I to go back home. Before we went back home the both of us decided to buy some food for the others back home, we went to the supermarket and bought 12 packets of ramen for all of us. 

~back at the hotel room~

Hannie's POV

We were all sitting in our living room, hoping that Zuleika and Rapmon would come back but there was still nothing, until we heard a knock at the door. I quickly went to the door and opened it, IT WAS ZULEIKA AND RAPMON!!

"OMO LEI (Zuleika) WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! WE'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU!!" I said feeling like I got a huge weight off my shoulders. 

"Ah mianhaeyo unnies!! I just walked around the park and then Rapmon approached me and we bought ramen so we could eat breakfast all together!" Zuleika sid showing the ramen she bought. We all went up to her and Rapmon and hugged them and started cooking the ramen. 

LOL sorry for the boring and confusing chapter, anyways I hope you guys like it and yeah.., Don't forget to vote and comment to know what happens next!

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