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-Kyles Pov- (switching views throughout this chapter.)

We have been together for a year and six months straight now, and I couldn't be happier.

Tonight was the night I was gonna make him mine forever.

My plan was simple.

It was gonna be at Universal where we first kissed.

-Johnnies POV-

Kyle randomly told me that we were going through to Universal. However it isn't that odd for him because he likes taking me to random places. Like Dennys in the middle of the night.

We haven't been there in a few months so I am super pumped to go. I love Universal.

However Kyle seems super odd today and he keeps fixing his hair and stuff. Oh he is so goddamn cute I just wanna kiss him all the time.

-Kyles POV-

I am wear a gray beanie with white specks throughout. I was wearing a red and black flannel with a gray shirt and black skinny jeans.

Johnnie was wearing a batman shirt and his gray (a lot of gray apparently that is the only freaking color in my mind. I'm not even color blind oh well) jacket. Black ripped skinny jeans and black converses.

We went out to the a vegetarian restaurant and Johnnie got an avocado pasta and I got a vegetarian burrito.

-Johnnies POV- (sorry if this is confusing)

We went to my favorite place to eat (enter name here)

The night was just so perfect. We were away from YouTube and we barely snapchatted anything and it was so peaceful. Kyle sat next to me.

I kissed his cheek. I loved him more then anything else in the world.
We took a photo together and laughed and he posted it on his instagram.

We called and uber and went to universal. We went on a few rides and then Kyle took me to where we had our first kiss.

"Woah... The memories."

-Kyles POV-

"Johnnie.... The past few years have been insane. We have been through so much and I love you more then anyone else. I wouldn't trade the things we went through for anything. I wouldn't rather have anyone else. Your insecurities are perfect to me."

I got down on one knee,"I wouldn't want to spend my life with anyone else but you so Johnnie Guilbert would you be my forever and always?"

Johnnie started crying he nodded and hugged me. His eyeliner ran everywhere and I kissed him and put the ring on his finger.

"I love you Kyle."

"I love you too Johnnie." He held my hand and we went home. We decided that we wanted to tell the viewers tomorrow in a video.

I went to sleep holding Johnnie close to me kissing his cheek and his neck. Absorbing the way he smells and I love him more then anything. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. No matter how long or how short it is that we have together.  I want it to be with him and no one else.

1,2,3,4 I love you-Kohnnie FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now