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-Kyles pov-
Johnnie and I were walking down the street holding hands.When a guy came up to us making fun of us.

Normally Johnnie pulls me away and we ignore them but this time he went to far.

"Hey you faggots why don't you go fucking do that in private."

"Oh so it is socially acceptable for you to suck face with a girl who you don't know in public but it is highly in appropriate for me to hold my boyfriends hand."

"Kyle come on."

"Yeah Kyle why don't you go take a dick up your ass you gay loser."

"Did you choose to be straight?"

"It is natural and two men loving each other isn't."

"Oh so love isn't natural."

"Gay love isn't you guys are just freaks and you should kill yourselves."

That was when I punched him in the face and he punched me.I kicked him the balls and he pushed me on the ground and started punching me.I started kicking him and punching him in the face.He punched my eye and my jaw.Then Johnnie pulled him off of me and the guy punched Johnnie knocking him out.


Then I started pounding into his face.I broke his nose and then the guy ran away and I picked up Johnnie and brought him to the hospital.

-At the hospital-

Johnnie woken up and according to the doctor he got a concussion and must rest for a few months.When we were alone in the room Johnnie started talking to me.

"Kyle why the fuck did you do that?"

"Because I don't like how he thinks he is better then us just because he likes women.The fact he told us to kill ourselves just set me off and when he landed a hand on you.....I just couldn't."

"Kyle next time ignore someone like that because it saves us the trouble."

"I cant Johnnie it just isn't fair."

"Life isn't fair and we can fight for our rights but that doesn't mean everyone will respect us.Look at blacks and hispanics and all the other races.They may have equal rights but they don't have equal respect."

"This is the 21st century people should just get over themselves and see that people cant help who they love."

"I know babe."

I leaned down on the bed and kissed Johnnie softly on the forehead.

I would do anything to protect him. Anything in the world even if it cost me my life.

"Kyle seriously though don't get into fights that is how you die."

"I would die for you Johnnie and you know that."

"You know I would do the same but sometimes I can't always save you from yourself.You have to be careful and ignore people."

I sighed and nodded. I hated it when he was angry at me I love seeing him happy not angry. I held his hand and he stared at me and smiled.

"I love you Kyle."

"I love you too Johnnie."

I am on summer break what about you guys???

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