Chapter 5

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Brittany P.O.V~~~

"Now I want all of you to practice your dancing with your partner somehow! Meet up somewhere! THIS IS PART OF YOUR P.E GRADE! Have a good day students!"

                                                                                        After School~~~

"That was a good day!" I said cheerily. After all I got to dance with ALVIN. Eek!

"Britt, are you okay? You seem happy ( tbh happy is an understatement lol) .. a lot now." Jeanette questioned.

"I'm fine Jeanette! Its finally the weekend!!! Time to PARTAY!" I said! I felt so ALIVE!

"You guys how about we go over to their house and practice dancing?" Eleanor asked. " I think our partners are brothers."

"I'm in!! Anything to be with- You know what Eleanor let's get moving! " I said. That was CLOSE I was about to spill my secret...!

"What Britt? You were saying..?" Jeanette probed.

"Oh, what? Psh nothin lets go!" I quickly answered.

                                                                             In the Seville House~~~

Simon P.O.V~~~

"I guess I'm going to be playing video games this weekend! Theodore wanna join?" Alvin asked Theodore.

"Why not? Something to keep me occupied I guess." Theodore stated.

"Theodore you should really do something else that doesn't burn your brain! Like a certain someone's...!" I said. The last thing I want is another Alvin in this house! That would be a nightmare!


"I'll get it!" Not like Alvin would anyway.

I opened the door and saw I think their names are Brittany, Eleanor, and oh my goodness its Jeanette. What is she doing here! Oh no my whole body is frozen! I can't feel my face! Everything's gone numb!!! HELP!!!!!

"Uh hello?! We are the Chipettes? Um your guys' partners?" Brittany said.

"Uh yeah hi , come on in." I said. I was finally able to move my jaw and body. Thank jeebus I didn't look like a dope in front of Jeanette.

"Simon don't make so much noise! We're in the middle of a shooting tournament! If you mess this up I will personally- Uh HI!!!" Alvin said.

"Get Theodore will you?" I requested.

"Sure thing dear old brother!" Alvin said agreeing. Something is definitely up with him. He never agrees with me nor would he ever do something I ask for. Could it be..? Never mind!

Theodore came running in looking happy. He seemed to be happier when he saw Eleanor. Does my little brother have a crush? Aw that is so cute...:)

"We came here wondering if you wanted to practice dancing, you know for school." Brittany said.

"Sure why not?" Alvin smiled, and way too big.

Theodore ran over, grabbed his stereo, and played some music.

The first few minutes were peaceful until I got really really nervous and accidently stepped on Jeanette's foot.

"Ouch!!!" Jeanette said as she winced in pain.

"Oh my Lord I am so sorry! Please forgive me!!!" I begged. I could not have felt worse right there. I felt like my world crumbled seeing her hurt. Why am I saying these things all of a sudden?!! I'm just going to say it. I am strange.

Jeanette P.O.V~~~

He is so adorable!! It could not have been better!! We were dancing and then he stepped on my foot. Oh yeah it hurt! But the way he begged for forgiveness was so sweet of course I could forgive him! How could I not?

But I guess the pain was a little worse then I thought. When I put my foot down to the ground, I winced in pain again and accidently bumped into Alvin. My head...

Alvin P.O.V~~~~

It was perfect until Jeanette decided to push me into Brittany which was NOT fun!....

It was so awkward.. but her face was so pretty!!

"I-uh-didn't-see-uh-you there..." I blabbered.

"Oh! Um its okay..!" Brittany replied.

I am a complete doofus!!!! D:

Brittany P.O.V~~~

Oh my goodness Alvin is so handsome I cannot even!

I think I might have crashed into Eleanor and it became total dominos after that.

We ended up in a heap which was awkward considering I landed on Alvin...

"Oh Sorry about that!! Really sorry!!" I said as quickly as I could.

"Oh its fine Brittany really..." Alvin replied. Did I see a blush? :O

Nobody said anything for the next few minutes until Theodore and Eleanor started giggling.

We all started laughing after that. XD

We all headed to the food counter because we were all tired out.

"Anyone want cheezballz? Milk? Chocolate milk?" Alvin said.

"CHEEZBALLZ!!" We all replied.

"I'm telling you, Dave needs to buy more Cheezballz!!" Alvin said.

They were pretty good! Yum :P

Simon and Jeanette both reached into the bag and both grabbed the last cheezball.

"Oh! Ladies first!" Simon politely said.

"Its ok! I'm full anyway. You can have it Simon."

"If you say so Jeanette, Thanks!"

Jeanette's face became as red as a tomato!! Oh it was hilarious !!

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