Chapter 13

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Thank you for waiting patiently! Hope you enjoy~~

Oh and quick shout to  (serenasuppy!!)  She has encouraged me recently in almost all my chapters and made me feel like "Wow! People do read my story and they DO like it" so for that I thank her. And EVERYONE that reads these. Now, on with the chapter.


SATURDAY MORNING-----------------

No ones POV-------

"Jeanette, Ellie, WAKE UP!" Brittany yelled.

"This is a first, Brittany's yelling at US to get up..." Jeanette mumbled.

"At 6 in the morning!!" Ellie added grumpily.

"Don't you guys get it? The DANCE IS TODAY! I have a reputation to uphold and I am not going to let anyone take it down!" Brittany said defiantly.

"Give us 5 and we'll be at the door soon enough! Good enough for you?" Jeanette said.

"Fine. Make sure to bring your shopping bags girls!!!" Brittany said as she walked out of the room.

"She's acting like our mom...." Ellie said.

"I know. Let's change. I don't want Brittany cutting my hair to the point I look like s boy.." Jeanette said as she shuddered about the thought.

Alvin POV-------------

Ahhh, football here, track and field there, there's everything I love! *Gasps* That can't be her!!!!!!

"Hi Alvin! Your looking cute today." Brittany said.

"Uh-yeah-um-sorry-...thanks." I replied back to her.

This must be a dream!!!!  It has everything I love, and the one that I love the most....!!

"Alvin, I have something to confess. Um-it's- a little hard to talk about." Brittany said as she suddenly went into serious mode.  

"*Gulps* Gee, is it suddenly warm in here or what?.. " I said as I tugged the collar of my A Sweater nervously.

"I....I like you Alvin Seville." Brittany suddenly said.


"I LOVE YOU TOO!" I said joyfully.

Hey! Wake up Alvin!!!

"I'M NOT LEAVING!" I said as I was hugging Brittany.


I was suddenly being pushed.

"Finally  your awake!!!" Simon yelled.

"Wait where is she?!!! She was right here with me!" I yelled..traumatized.

How could she have just disappeared like that?!! I know I sound like a maniac but still!

@"You were dreaming idiot." Simon said to me, as I was still shaking from dizziness and confusion.

"Oh.. Ok." I simply replied.

It was only a dream.. And only COULD be a dream too anyway. It was too good to be true. How could I have been so stupid?!

Jeanette POV-----------

"Ooh these overalls are FANCY!"! I said as I touched the lace.

"The lace is the only thing that makes it "fancy", Jeanette." Brittany blantly replied.

"I gotta go with Brittany on this one Jeanette, this is a DANCE! Not a barn." Ellie said.

"I know I know! Can't I compliment anything without being attacked?" I complained.

My sisters could be a pain the butt sometimes, ya know?

---30 minutes Later---

No Ones POV----

"I found a amazing dress!" Brittany yelled from across the room.

"So have I! It's so dashing!" Ellie yelled from the other side.

"Ellie, you think everything is 'dashing'." Jeanette said from the middle.

"Have you found one yet? Or still on board with the overalls?" Ellie countered.

"I think I did! Wow I like it. And that's me who's talking! About a dress!" Jeanette said acting all surprised.


(I know, I'm mean XD)

"Can't wait for the dance tonight. 8:00 pm can't come sooner!" Brittany eagerly said.

"I know. Well at least that gives me time to organize everything in my room. It's a hot mess in there!" Ellie said.

"Hey Jeanette, daydreaming about a certain someone?" Brittany teased.

"Don't you have anything better to do then tease me about who I like?" Jeanette replied back a little harshly.

"Jeez, I only teased out of boredom. There's nothing to do! I accessorized everything, from fedoras to 5in. heels!" Brittany huffed.

"You guys stop fighting! It's the big day! Let's moooove!" Eleanor whined.

"We're going we're GOING!" Brittany and Jeanette said.

--Later in the evening---

Simon POV-

"7:30 pm guys! Let's go!!!" I rushed hurriedely."

"Nerd take a chill pill, we don't need to be there EXACTLY at 8!!" Alvin explained.

Are you serious?! Okay ONE! My JEANE-friend. Ahem. MY FRIEND who is Jeanette is going. Second, I'VE  NEVER BEEN LATE IN MY LIFE! I am making a record. If I make it to 20 years( chipmunk years) old without being late to anything, I will be the ultimate nerd! I HAVEN'T BEEN LATE SIINCE THE DAY I WAS BORN! LITERALLY!!

"Yeah Alvin let's go! Brittney's going to be there." Theo said to Alvin rather smugly if I do say so myself.

"Wha-pff-like I CARE! Who wants to see that drama-munk in a dress with her soft silky curls and her diamond eyes aand--" Alvin said stopping midsentence.

"Gotcha. Tell that to yourself back at 7 am." I said while rolling my pupils at him.

🎉🎉🎈🎈🎁AT THE DANCE🎀🎈🎉🎈🎁📯

"Ohhh I hear my jam!!!" Theo said excitedly( totally me😂)

"Yeah yeah let's go in now!" I said rather excited myself.


The last thing they saw from the parking lot was a lot of light flashing and three particular chipettes with dresses that sparkle as far as the eye could see.


FORGIVE MEEEE!!! SCHOOL AND EVERYTHING IS NUTS. I know everyone says that but it's true!!  To make up for this monstrosity, I will start the next chapter right away and keep going till it's finished and perfected! Sad news, the next one will be the last one. (I think! I could put a sequel(chapter) if you guys want. That's up to you guys in the comments.) See you soon!! :))

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