Chapter 12

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----QUICK NOTE-----

Hey guys! Sorry if this comes out late and I made you agitated. I know I would if my favorite story wasn't coming out quick enough XD But I also have school to think about and studies so yeah. Just wanted to remind you guys! Ok ENJOY! 


Alvin POV------

I don't know what to do!!! I don't know what to do! NO girl has asked me out yet! No ONE! Me! The king of hots, does not have a date! *sees nerd walking with girl*

What-pff-this- 😡

I am so confused.

Jeanette POV----

I was walking to the 'nerd club'. Aka Junior Politics. Not like President, student council, stuff like that. Instead it's like debating. On any random subject. And I'm the Vice President! Simon's President. He won by one vote. But he deserved it.😊

"Ok ok Fellow Nerds! Order in the court, ORDER IN THE COURT!" Simon yelled to the crowd as he pounded his mallet.

The crowd kept yakking on over and over. Ugh, don't they know the meaning of RESPECT? 

"HEY! He said ORDER IN THE COURT!" I shouted. 

Everybody was shocked at my outburst. I'm surprised myself. I just went and randomly stood up for Simon. That's a first.. 🙄

"T-thank you Jeanette. Now we will be debating on something that is actually going on now! The Valentines Day Dance. Before we start, how about some down time? Anyone have dates yet?" Simon questioned.




"Hey Mr. President can I go with you? I don't wanna look like a loner." A girl said.

"Um-sorry, I have somebody else I want to go with...." Simon mumbled.

I watched as the girl fell with disappointment. And felt the ends of my lips curving.

'Jeanette, he can go with whomever he wants. You have no right to push his love life. No right.' 

Whew. I almost lost my temper. I better go dress shopping with Britt and Ellie soon! 

"So, Jeanette, are you going with anybody?" Simon asked.. With hope?

"No. Probably not going since no ones gonna ask me anyway. It's fine though.😕" I replied.

"THATS REALLY GO- I mean that's a shame." Simon started.

He's acting really weird, even for a nerd. And it's starting to Scare me.

"Meeting dismissed!" Simon yelled.

I started to get up and leave when Simon ran up to me.

"Hey Jeanette, do you want to study at lunch?" Simon asked hopefully.

"Yeah I'd love to!" I said enthusiastically.

"Great!" Simon said happily.


Simon POV--------

She said yes, she said yes! Great! 

I walked into the cafeteria and I saw Jeanette getting her books out to study.

"Hey Jeanette! Hope I'm not late!" I said.

"No worries, just got here!" Jeanette replied.

"Alright let's get working!" I said.

"Sure." She said. Wow it must be hot here if her cheeks turn that red.

-------During Study Session-------

"So K=X over Y, you got that? Otherwise the teacher will mark it wrong. They're really hard on these tests." I said.

"Yeah yeah, I just can never get on any of my teachers good side!" Jeanette moaned.

"That can't be true..!"I protested.

"Trust Me, you have no idea how literal I'm being right now!" Jeanette replied back.

Then it came.

We went back to studying, THEN at that moment when both our heads turned,




And stayed like that for



Also Enough time for our brothers and sisters to see.

We (At least me) were blushing intensely when they saw.

"Hey! What do you think your doing?!" Alvin asked.

"Not in school!! What's gotten into you Jeanette?!" Brittany wondered aloud.

"What were you guys doing? Aren't you friends?" Theo and Ellie questioned.

"*Snorts* FRIENDS my BUTT!" Alvin said.

"You guys it was an accident. It's not what you think!" Simon replied nervously.

"Yeah it was an accident... We just suddenly bumped into each other! That's all!" Jeanette added.

"Whatever. Let's go home. Meet us outside." Everybody but Simon and Jeanette said.

Ugh this is all my fault! It was never Jeanette's intention to touch anything! Stupid me. It was my fault she's rejected by her sisters...

"Jeanette I am so so sorry. Sorry can't even cut how sorry I'm feeling right now.." I begged.

"Simon this was none of our faults. It just happened. That's all. We're... *chokes for a second* friends." Jeanette strained to say.

"Yeah...f-friends."I replied sadly.

"See you soon Simon." Jeanette said.


That's all we are. Friends. Friends. That word haunts my mind for some reason. Friends. We are, and can only, be friends.. 

Hope the dance that's coming up soon will make up for it.


Here's a little Simonette for you! No worries, Alvittany and Theonor will be there too! Just you wait!

Next Chapter will be all about the last minute preparations, and the dance. That ought to be good! So keep a lookout for it and have a good night  BAI!

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