Chapter 7

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Good evening! As promised here is the STARTING of the two promised parts. Enjoy! Oh and feel free to request any OC'S or improvements. Thank you!


(SKIPPING SCHOOL.... The Chipmunks and chippettes are at home. Both genders are trying their best to not look like slobs in front of the other.. Especially the boys.)


"HEY HEY HEY! WATCH IT! That's my dead rat your stepping on!!" Alvin practically shouted.

"Oh what I'm sorry Alvin, seems I couldn't hear you. I thought you said "dead rat". " I chuckled.

"Yeah about that.. I wasn't kidding." Alvin said as he scratched his head guiltily.

After getting all of it into my head and finally realizing what Alvin meant, I only saw blackness and felt nauseous.

-----ALVIN POV-----

"Hey Theo, how does THIS look for the sleepover?" I questioned proudly.

It was a BEAUTY. Even more prettier then BRITT- melon. Ahem.

"Uh Alvin? Not to ruin your moment but is now really the time for freaky clown costume time? *eyes Alvin's .. Unique outfit* 

Theo points at Simon who's still out and looks green. Oh well. Too bad, I mean he can't see my outfit!

I sighed. No one likes to have fun here. Hopefully it won't be like this when the girls get here. I mean what's a party without the fun? 😕

---Brittany POV------

"Girls, which one, sparkly or fun?" I asked. I have to look perfect when we get there. I have a reputation to uphold AND boys are going to be there so! Whysie not si?

"SPARKLY! Alvin likes sparkly chippettes!" Ellie teased.

"Oh Eleanor!! Not everything on my life is based off of Alvin.. Maybe. 🤔"

"Do you have anything maybe.. Not as flashy? It's not like we're going to a dance club or anything." Jeanette asked.

"Nerds will never understand. Jeanette what are you going to wear? Overalls for SIMON?" Brittany teased.

"No, in fact a dress for Alvin!" Jeanette smirked.

"YOU WANNA FIGHT LITTLE CHIPPETTE?!!! 😡" Brittany shouted.

"Woah keep your cool guys! We don't wanna leave the house in a brutal way.." Eleanor said.

"I was only joking. And Overalls are too ugly. Even for me. " Jeanette stated.

"I just ugh..I can just.. You will be...... Fine. I will stop. For only the sake of my face! I don't wanna have to live with wrinkles." Brittany huffed.

---–----------------------------THE GIRLS LEFT THE HOUSE AND HEADED UP TO THE BOYS' DOOR---------------

"Alright who's gonna knock?" Ellie asked.

"Seriously? Are we really going through this." Jeanette said annoyed.

"No can do, gotta do last minute mascara on my face 👄" Brittany said matter-of-factly.

"Let's  just get this over with. I will knock 😠" Jeanette said.

The door opened and as the door revealed who was standing behind it, the girls' mouths dropped in horror.

-------7 is done!!! 8 will be out soon! Hope you enjoyed! BAI! 👋🏼👋🏼

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