Chapter 9

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Quick Author's Note~~~

Hi! Just wanna give a shoutout to Lovelys who's been supporting this story since Chapter 1

ANNNNDD Jeanette_Miller who's story spirit is right on 👌



Theo POV------

I can't believe we're going to play!! FINALLY! There's nothing like a game of spin the bottle/truth or dare 😈. And I know who I'm going to do first. *Looks at a certain chubby chippette*

Eleanor POV------

Yess! I wanna play I wanna play noow!!

"Ok guys who's gonna spin the bottle first?" Jeanette questioned.

"I do I do I d-" Theo started excitedly.

"Hey Theo, you mind if I go first? " I asked.

"Uh ok then Eleanor. Whatever you want!" Theo generously said.

Gosh he can be so cute in a weird way. I don't get it though. 🤔

I really hope he's the one the bottle chooses hopefully. I have a really fun dare for him!!!

"Ok here I go!!!!" I said.

Brittany POV---- 

It better not be me cause the first person always get the worst d-

"BRITTANY IT LANDED ON BRITTANY!!!!" Eleanor squealed happily.


"Alright Ellie what's my dare?" I asked. Totally not pumped for this.

"Erm.." Eleanor thought.

"Oh we can always pass! Hey how about Jeanette? She looks raring to go!" I exclaimed hopefully.

I did not like the death glare Jeanette was giving me. Actually you know what? I don't care! I'm way more popular than she could ever be. Humph.

"Oh wait I gooot oonnee!!!" Ellie sang.

"Say it already!" Alvin impatiently exclaimed.

"I'm getting there!!! Geez! Your about as impatient as Brittany!" Eleanor angrily replied.

"Hey! I'm still here ya know!" I exclaimed.

"Ok so your dare will be to kiss Simon on the cheek! Pretty decent dare or what guys?" Eleanor said proudly. 

No ones POV-----

Everyone was just in an awkward state. Alvin with angry, envy, and frightened eyes. Simon looking shocked. But then what's new to that? Jeanette the same as Simon, shocked but also.. Jealousy? 🤔Brittany looking interested. Eleanor looked like she was boss. And Theo, well the happy go lucky face as always.

Simon POV----- 

Oh gosh. This is totally gonna break my good boy streak!! What was that brain of Eleanor doing?!!! Still, even though, it still would be kind of interesting.. My preference more towards Jeanette but whatever.

"Anytime now Brittany!" Everyone but Alvin and Jeanette said.

Brittany then pecked me on the cheek and I immediately turned red. That was soo embarrassing! But fun. Did I just say that?😳🙄

Alvin POV----

"Think of that as a thank you for saving me from a face plant." Brittany said as she winked.

"I SAVED YOU TOO YA KNOW! AM I INVISIBLE?!" I practically shouted.

Everyone just gawked at me. Then giggled at my stupidity.

I agree.

"Uh-what I MEANT to say was-um-good teamwork bro. We make a pretty good team for saving pretty girls from faceplants am I right?!" I nervously chuckled.

"PRETTY girls Alvin?" Theo probed.

My god I'm just making this situation harder and stupider.

"Eh-well-you know what! Forget I said anything! Hope your happy Brittany." I said as I stormed out.

Jeanette POV----- 

...You know, I would've done the same thing if my IQ was the same as Alvin's.

I-I just can't believe Simon just AGREED to it! Without no faces except that goofy one that I love..- STOP IT JEANETTE! Ugh. Clearly he likes Brittany more than he could ever to me. I had that little light of hope that he liked me back. But NOPE! That light was cleared up as soon Ellie made that dare. 

Who would like a nerd like me.

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