Chapter 10

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I promise it will go the way you guys want it. Believe me I want it that way too 😂 


-- They were all still at the sleepover just the game was over after a very stressful game of spin the bottle/truth or dare---

Eleanor POV----

It was really awkward. After Alvin stormed out, we decided to just stop. Too much jealousy and everything comes with the game for some reason. Theo however was still looking bright and cheerful. That's what I love about him! 😊 ... Ok seriously someone help me because I don't know who i am or what I think about anymore!!! It's too scary.....

Jeanette POV------

"Here's an idea! It's still a sleepover, how about we get our sleeping bags out? Let's lay them out! " Simon smartly said.

"Ooh good idea! I call being next to Theo!!!" Ellie exclaimed.

Theo was looking very pleased 😆.

I layed my sleeping bag AWAY from Simon and AWAY from Brittany. Right now I have no intention of speaking to them whatsoever. 

"Um hey I'm going to go user the bathroom so yeah. See you back here." I said.

No way was I gonna see SimonxBrittany time. Nuh uh.

Alvin POV--------

I was coming out of the bathroom when I heard footsteps. The room became really dark so you could barely see anything. Then I slammed into someone. HARD. 

"Uh anyone there? I'd be happy to be friends with aliens-" I started, whispering.

Then WHAM!

There was a sound of someone dropping on the floor.

"AHHHHH" I screamed.

I ran straight into the door and then there was only blackness.


 No ones POV------

"RISE AND SHINE EVERYONE!!!!" Theo shouted as he headed off to the kitchen to make breakfast.

"Ugh... Thank you VERY much Theo for waking me up while I was dreaming about meeting Einstein!!!" Simon grumpily said.

"Hey... Anyone see Jeanette? Alvin did you see Jeanette last nig-" Simon questioned.

"Oh my." 

Alvin was sleeping next to Brittany, REALLY close. Too close for comfort!!! 

Simon was just standing there deciding whether or not he should wake them up or to find Jeanette.

"Ummm.. You know what, I'm going to find Jeanette. Maybe she went on an early walk." Simon wondered.

As Simon walked out he passed the bathroom that Alvin stormed into last night.

"Where on earth can sh- JEANETTE!!" Simon exclaimed.

He scurried over to her as quick as he could and kneeled beside her.

"Jeanette!!!Jeanette! Wake up! Are you hurt?" Simon said as he blabbered away in concern.

Jeanette POV---------

My head hurts-no, EVERYTHING hurts. I was walking to the bathroom when I slammed into something.. Or someone. Then I don't remember. 

All I see is light... And happiness. I don't want to leave this place.. 

Wait! Simon? Is he calling me? Wait my hearing's wrong. I may not remember everything but I certainly remember what happened last night. 

*Sighs* Might as well come back for the sake of Ellie. 

Simon POV---------

"Why aren't you waking up????!!! Jeanette!!!!" 

"*Groans* My head hurts..." Jeanette grumbled.

"Jeanette!! YOUR ALLLLIIIIVVVEEE!" Simon said as he embraced her.

Jeanette seemed to want to push out for some reason, but then gave up trying. 😊

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" Jeanette said matter-of-factly.

But I didn't answer. Too full of happiness to care 😃😃😃😃

Brittany POV--------

Ooh pink here pink there, oh there's even hot pink everywhere!

I don't wanna leave this dream ever! What could be better than this?! 💗💗💞

I was skipping around and decided just to wake up.

"Good morn-O.M.G" Brittany said.

Why in Earth is Alvin sleeping next to me?!!! He's not even in his sleeping bag!!!!

Who am I kidding, this is what I wanted!! He's so adorable sleeping like that😍😘

But still, if anyone saw us, we will be dead in embarrassment.

Alvin POV---------- 

I can't sleep. After being hit in the head, it's hard.

I tried at 1:00. 4:00 am. 6:00 am! I barely got any sleep. Or my focus. Everything is dizzy😲

I woke up and saw I was not in my sleeping bag.

I wasn't anywhere near anyone I was close with.

I looked down and I saw I was in between a green bag and a PINK BAG.

Uh oh.

I looked to the left and *gulp* you guessed it.

Brittany Miller.

And the worst part? 

She was awake too. Staring at me. I was probably staring too but whatever.

There were 5 min. Of awkward silence. And only Eleanor was here that could witness this. But she was sleeping so thank god.

But she was so pretty!!!!!!! Those eyes of hers are so cute.. Alvin no time for this. At least it wasn't next to Jeanette or Eleanor. 😱

"Ok here's a deal. We both shut our mouths and never speak of this again. If we do, LIE. Got it?" I said.

"D-deal." Brittany agreed.

"Let's get outta here." I said quickly as she followed.


Chapter 11 will be out soon! Hope you enjoyed.💎

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