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The results are in!.. The winner of this competition... is....


Let's jump right in shall we?.. Flash forward 10 years later after graduating high school...


Jeanette P.O.V--


Ugh..what? *Checks alarm* Oh my God, I have to go pack the kids' lunches!

*Runs over to the triplets' room*

"Kids! Wake up, lets's get ready to head off to school!"

The kids all slowly sit up, rubbing their eyes to get used to the over exposed light.

"Why mommy? Why can't we go laaaater!!..."Albert, the oldest, complained.

"Yeah! Why does daddy get to go to his school laaater.." Alicia, the middle child, agreed.

"We like school and all, but it's just not fair!" Adalia added.

"Kids, Daddy goes to WORK, not school. Work is what grownups do to buy important things, like food, a house, and your clothes!" I reasoned as the kids began lightly tugging their clothes, tilting their heads in confusion.

"Now run along! Cereal is waiting for you at the table. Eat quick and make sure to change and say bye bye to Daddy when we leave alright?"

"Okayyyy." The triplets' chimed as they bounded off.

*Ten Minutes Later*

I was dishwashing the rest of the dishes I left unfinished from last night's dinner until I hear the steps of three kids, all cleaned and ready for a day's learning, bounding down the stairway.

Simon followed right after the kids and came right up to me.

"Morning kids! Mornin' Jean. :)" He greeted as he kissed my cheek.

"Ewwwww!!!! Not at the table!!!!" Albert whined.

"Son, years later you will be expressing your love for your wife too!" Simon lectured.

"NO! I'm a single and independent chipmunk!" Albert boasted as he puffed out his chest in pride.

"You're the splitting image of your Uncle Alvin, that's a definite fact."Simon sighed as he shook his head in disbelief."

"Oh relax, it's like having your brother living with you all over again! Besides, they all have a little bit of Alvin's good qualities too." I tried to console.

"They're more like you anyway, smart, responsible.. and the list just rolls on and on."

"*Chuckles* I suppose. Alright kids, head on off to that bus!" Simon cheered positively as he waved the chips good-bye.

"Oh that's right! Kids, remember to go with Aunt Eleanor to her fun daycare!" I called.

"YAY! Okay!!" The kids cheered in anticipation.

"Time's calling me. I have to get to Bird Chirp now, alright? Take care and have fun with your sisters." Simon said as he prepared to head off.

"Alright, drive safe." I waved farewell as I gave him yet another kiss on the cheek.

*5 hours after*

Alright, I better start heading over to Eleanor's now.

*Arrives at the daycare*

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