Chapter 6

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Jeanette P.O.V~~~

"Well we gotta get going now. It's gonna be dinner soon. See you guys at school tomorrow. Bye Theodore, Alvin, .... Simon. (blush)"

"Uh y-yeah see you tomorrow guys... Jeanette :)"

                                                                                 ~~WHEN THE GIRLS GET BACK HOME~~~

"That was fun! Brittany when can we go back?" Eleanor asked.

"Oh ANYTIME! I'm sure they would let us in!!!!" Brittany assured.

"Not ANYTIME. I don't want us to look like stalkers Brittany. Since when did you care about practicing for school?" I probed.

"Since FOREVER. Duh!" Brittany said.

"You guys, stop fighting! Let's go to bed... Night!" Eleanor said.

                                                                               ~~~AT SCHOOL~~~

Alvin P.O.V~~~


"Oh COME ON! Why me!!!! If you really want to, ask them YOURSELF! Don't drag me into this!" I whined.

"Please?" Theodore made a pouty face.

"'sigh', You owe me!!" I said.

"I can't believe me, the most awesomemest chipmunk in school, is going to ask girls if they wanna have a SLEEPOVER with us! What have I dragged myself into???!!"

                                                                     ~~~BACK AT SCHOOL~~~~

"LUNCH LUNCH LUUUNNNCCCHHH!!!" Theodore sang happily.

"Remember, you're asking them!!!" Simon reminded.

"I know I know! No need to add more salt to the wound...!" I said unhappily.

"Look there they are!! Go ask!!!"Simon  pushed.

"OH LOOK AT THE TIME! POTTY BREAK! Don't wanna go Number 1 in front of the girls right? Am I right or am I-" I started.


"I'M GOING I'M GOING...." I muttered.


Eleanor P.O.V

Yum my BLT sub is delish!! I was going to take in another bite when I saw Alvin walking towards us. He looked...nervous?

"Uh-um-hi." Alvin said nervously.

"Um-yeah hi, what are you doing here Alvin?" Brittany questioned.

"Well I came to ask you guys a question, totally my brothers' idea not mine at all. But they forced me to ask if you all wanted to come over tomorrow and have a ...sleepover? Its totally fine if you say no, I mean no argument there but-"

"Sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A sleepover sounds like fun!! Count us in!" I quickly said. We haven't had one in ages!!! See you tomorrow!"

As Alvin walked away I noticed Brittany and Jeanette looking at me weirdly.. did I have something on my face?

"Guys? What's the matter?"

"ELEANOR! Why would you DO that?!! Just BLURTING it out?!!!

"Ummm.. Whoopsie?" They looked really mad 😨

------AUTHOR'S NOTE------

I'm sorry for not updating in a long time I really am so to make up for it,

I am going to post two more pages. I hope that makes it up! 

And also thank you  Lovelyz for boosting my confidence up. 

It really helps me as the writer. 

See you soon!

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