Chapter 11

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In school-------

Brittany POV------

"Hey girls, a little late Valentines Day Dance coming up?" I said, very anticipated.

"Oh cool! So like there are going to be chocolate fountains and strawberries to dip it in?" Eleanor asked.

"Well there should in order for it to be a CLASSIC  Valentines Day Dance. I looked it up online. " Jeanette said.

"So girls who are YOU going with?" I asked.

I'm just doing this so they won't take a CERTAIN brown eyed chipmunk.

"I know your tricks Brittany. You are just making sure that we don't take ALVIN. Isn't that right Eleanor?" Jeanette said all smart.

Eleanor just nodded.

"Admit it, you like him!" Jeanette said.

"If I admit, YOU admit. Simon's never gonna know if ya don't open that mouth for once girl!" I sassed.

"I'm going to find someone I can actually TALK to without ARGUING! " Jeanette said as she huffed away.

She can be such  drama queen sometimes. Even more than me! 

"Brittany , you should go apologize. Please? We might not be able to go dress shopping without her! We always do it together no matter how bad our taste in dresses are. " Eleanor reasoned.

"I'll do it when we get home. Right now, I'm going to go help with the dance preparations. It's part of being President!" I said. 

We're gonna make it sparkly.. Ooh PARIS Themed!!! That's gonna be good. And maybe a photo booth... PINK! Nobody can argue with pink on Valentines Day !

Simon POV----

"Hey dudes! Wanna go hang glide in that new trash can that just came? I heard it REALLY high!!" Alvin said excitedly.

"Later Alvin. Didn't you hear?" I asked.

"Yeah Beyoncé broke up with Jay-Z. I'm way ahead of you dude" Alvin said as he rolled his eyes.

Ugh. Can't even get his mind straightened out.

"What Simon? Something exciting?" Theo asked curiously.

"For the girls definitely-" I started.

"Oh ho ho GIRLS?! Whatever it is I'm gonna be there." Alvin said.

"It's a Valentines Day Dance." I said.

"Oh WHAT?!!! Can't they at least have come up with DANCING?!" Alvin whined.

"ALVIN! Did you not hear me? Valentines Day DANCE!!!!! D-A-N-C-E! Not that hard!" I said.

"Wait, if we go, ....*gulps* what's the dress code?" Theo asked.

"..... Are you guys knuckleheads?!! A VALENTINES DAY DAAANCEEE!!!! What do you think if we're going to something love related?!!!!! Oh yeah sure we get to go in a jock's football suit. NO! Pure logic people pure logic!" I exclaimed.

"We have to go in tuxes don't we.." Theo said disappointedly.

"They what's the matter? It's always Alvin that's running away from these things. What's your excuse?" I questioned.

"Tuxes make me look fat. And I practically suffocate in them! Nobody will want to go with me anyway.." Theo said sadly.

"Grow up! Nothing like a party with a chocolate fountain with strawberries that are ready for dipping." Alvin said as he licked his lips.

"How about a date Alvin? Find one yet? Or too chicken." I said as I smirked.

I love roasting my brother. HA!

"In fact, I'm pretty sure a huge line is waiting for me." Alvin said confidently.

"Yeah about that LINE, don't see it anywhere, do you?" I said as I pretended to look around.

"Ya know, your really jerky today." Alvin said.

"So the dates. Who are you going to ask out? " I asked.

"Yeah.. Britt-melon." Alvin stuttered.

"Right. Brittmelon. Gotcha." I said cooly.

"I wanna go with Eleanor. Not as friends though. An actual couple. :)" Theo said as he nervously smiled.

"Good for you little bro. I'm sure she would love to go out with you." I said.

I'm really nervous myself. I have a really good hunch on what my heart wants. And what it wants is the girl with lavender eyes that are too hard to resist.

Only problem is, will she reject me?

------AUTHOR'S NOTE-------

Sorry this one took a little longer!

I hope you enjoyed and please stay tuned for the next chapter.


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