Chapter 14

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This is it! Hope u enjoy ! :))) This an extra long chapter as an apology from me because I wasn't able to update. There will be two more until the end of this story! However, I want you guys to help me if you want a sequel to each pair's relationship. Please write the ship you would like for a sequel and the most wanted will be the lucky pair. Unfortunately I won't be able to write any more sequels because of school eating up my time soon. I may write more sequels but only time and my workload will tell :) That's why I want to know which sequel you all would want the most. I will be writing more stories and I am excited for that! Thank you~~~



The chipettes and the chipmunks have all arrived at the parking lot and were in awe of the wonderful decor of the exterior of the dance. But that's not all they thought was stunning.. 

( Be prepared... XD)

Eleanor's POV--

Omg...!!! Is that Theodore?! AHH! He looks so kawaii and CHUBBY! Oh no... I'm probably soo under dressed! What if my breath smells like peanuts from earlier! He'll hate me forever and we won't be friends anymore!! ;(( I might as well end my social life..!

Jeanette's POV--

I'm just going to memorize math equations because there's going to be absolutely nothing to do here :/.. *sees Simon with his brothers* :O!!! I-Is that S-Simon?.. ;( *sigh* He's too good for me... He probably has some girls as smart as him waiting for him to swoon and be with... I wish I was pretty and popular..then maybe.. Simon would notice me!... Somebody snap me back to reality..!! :(

Brittany POV---

This dance is going to be Fa-BOO! Almost as much as me!! :D!

Who's THAT hottie?! I have to ask h-... :O!

Please don't tell me that's Alvin..!!!???

My gosh he's so cute..!! Uh I mean what the heck he looks like he rolled in the dumpster!

He srsly better not touch anything.. with that.. virus.. *gets enthralled by his brown eyes* *blush*

Theodore POV----

I hope there's delicious food here!!! Everything's great with food -_^

And dancing and music and.. Eleanor!

She looks so purty~~!!

It would be just AMAZING if I could dance with her..! It's be so fun! ~^_^~

Simon POV------

This is so embarassing....! Dances are NOT my thing! Algebra and Biology is! I don't do FUN. Yes I even admit it myself. ..That's sad. See? Wowzas that's a really pretty girl..! WAIT. Jeanette?!!! I would have NEVER expected for her to come to a dance let alone in a DRESS...!!! .....  ~^_^~ *adjusts glasses to make sure he didn't see wrong*

Alvin POV-----

Aww Yeaaaa it's time for the Swagster to come and make his dramatic entrance! I am so ready to seduce the ladies >:)

*whistles* Ohh yeee let's start with that hot chick! WOAH. Brittany?! She's waayyy sparklier and prettier than usual..! ....What I MEANT was uh a little more than AVERAGE! Psh.. *keeps staring* O.O...


Each pair just stared as they came closer to acknowledge each other, just to make sure they weren't dreaming. 

Simon's POV--

"Uhhh heyyy...." Man I'm probably staring at Jeanette right now. Like a COMPLETE idiot!!

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