Chapter 8

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"OMG" The girls said very freaked out.

"Ey ey ey welcome to the party girls!" Alvin said.

"Alvin, what is wrong with your OUTFIT?!"

"Let's just say cheeseburgers are not meant for sitting on." Alvin said as he sniffed his "tie-dye" sweater. 

"Seriously what do you see in him?!😷" Jeanette asked.

"Right now, I can't find a very good reason😐" Brittany stated as she followed the tie-dye chipmunk into the house.

------------In the house----------

"Hey I smell something COOKING! " Eleanor said cheerfully.

"ALVIN!! WHY AM I ON THE FLOOR, AND WHY DO I FEEL SCARED AND NAUSEOUS?!!" Simon screamed from the second floor.

"Bro! You should tone that down! The girls are here!!" Alvin shouted back.

Suddenly quietness filled the air. Well with the smell of delicious stew spewing from the kitchen.

Theo came running out from the kitchen, eyes shone with happiness as he sprinted out of the kitchen territory.

"Hey guys! ELEANOR! Your here!!! Hey after dinner I have a game we can all play.....The old spin the bottle with a dash of Truth and Dare." Theo smiled evilly.

"YAS! Let's do that! I'm so pumped now!!" Eleanor said as she paced quickly on the floor.

"But right now, DINNER TIME!!" Theo shouted.

The whole house was filled with cheers of chipmunks and the sounds of tummies grumbling when those words were uttered from Theo's mouth at the very second he said them.

There were enough seats at the table, only who sits by who?

" Well, I for one want to sit next to Eleanor. Is-is that ok?" Theo stammered.

"Yay! I get to sit next to my best friend!!" Eleanor said joyfully.

Only Simon caught the disappointed look from Theo's eyes.

"Now what about the rest of us?" Simon probed.

"Um I-I can sit next to you if that's o-ok." Jeanette said with a bright red face.

Simon looked so surprised and happy that he could have taken off his shirt and become the next Tarzan. ( That sadly already happened😂) " OKAY!" Simon replied with a hint of too much elation.

Jeanette however found it very amusing😆 And cute 😊

"Now that leaves two-" Theo started.

But the stubborn chipmunks replied "I'm never sitting next to that virus!!" 

Everyone at the table looked quite shocked and amused as they found it funny to the two's effort on hiding their actual feelings ㅋㅋㅋ

"It's the floor or the "horror" of sitting next to each other for only 30 min. Which one shall it be then?" Simon questioned annoyed.

"Ugh you don't have to treat us like we're your kids Simon." Alvin protested.

"I'm only trying to get you guys to be mature for once and not act like kinders." Simon said eyeing the two of them.

As they all got their food, they started to turn more and more into bears. 2 or so even had a 3rd bowl of stew.

"Yummy! Thanks Theo for dinner. Now before we play the game Theo came up with, how about we do something else like getting to know each other better? " Ellie requested.

"Nah lets get straight to the point! Race ya to our room!" Alvin said. 

As they were running upstairs, Brittany felt so alive. So alive that she managed to trip and fall. Well almost. Both her arms were held by Alvin with the dreamy eyes😍And Simon? Who .. I'm going to be honest... Pretty cute in his own way. Not as cute as Alvin but definitely not ugly.

-----ALVIN POV--------

Why. Is. Simon. Holding. Britt's. Arm. With. Worried. EYES.

What makes it worse is that they're staring at each other!!! WITH THE GLAAAZZE.!!

GAH! Why?! Why is Simon here?! He should be with Jeanette! NERD WITH NERD! Perfect couple!!! It's a match made in heaven!!!! 

But Brittany? Simons waaaaaaaaay out of her league.

I still wonder.. Does she like me anyway?


Well that's it for today! Hope you enjoyed! Wonder what's going to happen in this story? 


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