Chapter 16

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Alvitanny Time XD! Enjoyy :)



The most ambitious pair but most obvious, were trying to keep their distance between each other mainly because one their pride was too high, two they didn't want to have their siblings pestering them 24/7 to "make a move".

Alvin POV--

I haven't seen my brochachos anywhere! When I need them the most they HAD to be somewhere else. I need them to control my mob of girls surrounding me. I know I'm great and all but this isn't a one chipmunk job!

"OMG Alvin!! You look sooo hot right now!! MARRY ME!" Girl #1 screamed.

"Your my bae please I NEED YOU!!!"Girl #2 screamed.

My ears feel like they're about to bleed right now GOD!

I'm trying to make my way through the herd but they keep MULTIPLYING!

When I push one girl out of the way another just JUMPS out of the blue and is in my face within SECONDS!!!!

But hey, just because I need serious help with controlling these crazy animals does NOT mean I lose my cool and macho!

I just flash a smile for them since they're practically BEGGING O_O...


I think my eardrum popped. Just waiting for the blood to start running any time now.

Their scream busted everything, it even topped the speakers at HIGH VOLUME.

I tried looking around for Brittany seeing if she was dancing with anyone.

:O! She's ALONE!!! At the punch and fruit stand!!! And ew. Fruit?! What was she thinking?! At a DANCE?! I thought she knew what she was doin!!! *sigh* She needs to learn a thing or two from the MAN.

"Eh heh excuse me girls!" I said as I tried making my way to Brittany.

"To where Alvin?" Girl #1 complained.

"Tooooo..." I continued trying to think of a way to leave without them being suspicious.

I saw Brittany was kind of near the bathrooms. Perfecto.

"Tooooo the bathrooms!" I said relieved.

"We'll come with you!" They said now cheerful.

"Your going to follow me into the bathroom...?" I said confused. That's scary and nasty! Maybe I chose the wrong girls to flirt with... :/

"No silly! We'll just wait out near the door! Okay? Okay!!" They answered happily.

"Ohh.. yay..." I cheered weakly.

We headed towards the bathroom, with them breathing on my neck and me trying not to gag from the smell that was wafting from their breath. Ugh what did they eat?! Rotten Cheese?! 

As we got closer to the bathroom I tried to make eye contact with Brittany. She didn't notice!! DUDE! I WAS ONLY A COUPLE OF ITCHES AWAY FROM HER!!!!  ...Or is it inches? WHATEVER!!

"Hurry and go Alvin! We can't stand being away from you more than a minute!!! HURRY BEFORE WE LOSE OUR SANITY!!" They yelled. I was reallly scared. If this was how they acted WITH their sanity, imagine life without their sanity :o I'LL BE THEIR PLAYTHING FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!!!!

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