The Guy Buying Bras

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I look in the mirror. No way I am going to be able to pull this off. I look at myself again. No freaking way. I don't even look like Callie. Callie is small with light blonde hair and green eyes. Callie has curves. I, however, am around five foot eleven and have black hair and blue eyes. And Mom was right, my ass went straight to my legs. I am constantly teased by Alex about my skinny frame. I move my hair out of my eyes. This isn't going to work. So that's exactly why I'm in the mall bathrooms waiting for Alex to text me that he's here. My phone vibrates and sure enough it was Alex. I sigh and mada my way out to him. Alex is standing there, arms out stretched, in a questioning manner. 

"You said to meet you here urgently. What's the urgent?" he asks, studying me with his brown eyes. Alex has been my best and only friend since we were little kids. We're a hell unalike. Alex has short spiked up curly brown hair and reaches my eye and weighs two of me. Alex is no way overweight. Just... muscly. 

"Yeah... dude oh God." I shake my head and pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Man, what's happened? Are you okay?"

"You're going to flip."

Well it wasn't the reaction I was looking for. I had told him everything, from Callie's accident, to her and Mom debating about me. In the end he was just about pissing himself laughing. I wait five minutes. There's no sign of him stopping. Everyone around us in the coffee shop is looking over with 'What the fuck?' expressions. He pauses.

"You done?" I ask thinly. 

"No." he laughs again. 

"Dude, stop," I say smacking his head. He immediately shuts up. 

"Ow! What was that for?!" he grunt.s

"For being an idiot. Are you going to help me or not?" I ask, slightly aggravated. 

"Yeah, 'course I'll help you Coop. But no freaking way you're going to look like a chick," he scoffs. I put my face on the cool table.

"I know, man."

Alex has had a lot of girlfriends and has had to go on a lot of shopping trips so I let him pull me around all the shops he though appropriate. 

"How about this?" He holds up a hot pink mini skirt. I roll my eyes.

"I'm going for college girl, not a prostitute," I say, pushing it away.

"I still can't believe I'm helping you shop for girls clothes..."

"Well you're the one who agreed to help," I remind him, looking at a t-shirt and pulling a face. Were all girls clothes so clingy? 

"Dude, why don't I just get stuff that girl me would wear? Why are we looking in whatever the hell this shop is called? It looks like it's called 'Hookers are us'." A woman holding a load of clothes gives me the definition of a dirty look on overhearing me. 

"You are not going to a friggin' sorority in concert t-shirts and vans. They'll kick you right out," he says urgently. I roll my eyes yet again.

"Can't be that bad." 

"Wanna bet? I am making you a complete girl, okay Coop? Or should I call you Callie?" He smirks at my expression. I grab a bra nearby and whacked him in the face. "That reminds me! You need one."

"One what?" he hits my arm, "You can't walk into a sorority with a chest like a pancake can you?" He looks through the whole row. He just looks awkward doing so. I stand to the side with my hands crossed over my chest, watching him struggle with the sizes.

"What the fuck do all these friggin' sizes mean?!" he says, holding two bras on each arm. "You a B or a C, man?"

"How do I know?! I haven't got anything!" I shake my head and laugh, "Y'know what? I'm going to hunt down some cotton wool." 

Alex gives me a confused expression, "What in hell would you need cotton wool for?"

"I can't grow boobs over night, bro. I'm not Pamela Anderson." I shove my hands in my pockets and leave Alex to fend off the rack of bras. Am I really doing this? I look back at Alex, who was being stared at strangely by an old lady. Yup. I am really doing this. 

An hour later I convince Alex to let me buy something in Hot Topic. I pick up a few band shirts, something I'd feel comfortable wearing. He rolls his eyes every time I picked up one.

"You could at least go for Hello Kitty," he scoffs when I reached for a BVB shirt.

"Hello Kitty? I draw the line at Hello Kitty."

"Fine then you're getting skirts. And a shitload at that man." 

I rolled my eyes again, "Fine, you have yourself a deal."

* * *

I know this chapter is really boring but I didn't have a lot of time to do it.

But let me know what you think and thanks for reading!

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