The Guy In Pain

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"Stop cursing," Alex scolds me, ripping the wax up, causing another curse to escape my lips. Alex slaps me in the face with the strip of wax with random pieces of my hair on it. I rub my check and take a sharp intake of breath as Alex yanks another strip up my leg.

"Now, wasn't that one less painful while you were distracted?"

"No- FUCK!" I glare as he held another strip full of hair, "That was uncalled for." 

He shrugs, "You want to go in with legs like King Kong, suit yourself." 

"Fine fine, but turn up the music there. I don't want my Mom hearing my anguished screams."

He obligued, turning up the last song that was playing. "Dude, I think she heard the first scream." He took out another strip. "Ready?"

"I don't really have a choice do I?" I close my eyes and sing along to AA, much to Alex's annoyment. I almost grinned through the pain and sang louder, even at the screaming parts. If I was going through hell, he's going with me. 

                             _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ 6AM next day_-_-_-_-_-_-_-

"Cooper, honey. Time to wake up..." Mom gently shakes me. 

"It's too early."

"It's a long drive there, sweety." She shakes me a little more and I sit up, bleary eyed. I get a shock when blonde hair covers my eyes, but then I remember all of yesterdays events. My too bare legs tingle.

"I know, Alex is giving me a lift."

"I was thinking... that I could do your make up," she tells me gently, as if I would be frightened of the idea. Okay to be honest I am frightened of the idea. "It'll really help her..."

"Okay, teach me how to do it. And please, don't plaster me." I roll out of bed, Mom's eyes on me the whole time. 

"Thank you so much for doing this, Cooper." 

"It's fine," I pause, "Do I have to wear the dress today?" I cringe, waiting for her reaction.

"The greeting party is today, so I think so. I'm sorry, honey."

I groan, "It's fine. But if you don't mind, I think I'll get dressed in private..."

"Oh yes! Sorry! Let me know when you're ready." She scoots out of the room. I look at the little black number in front of me. Alex had convinced me to get it, but only if I could wear converse. I shun heels. No way was I going that far. I put on the bra again and pull up the dress, that went out at the hips to give the illusion that I had some form of curves. It stops too much up my leg for me to be comfortable. I struggle with the extensions before calling my Mom in the help me out. She sits behind me, brushing out my hair and clipping them into place.

"I never thought I'd have to do this for my son."

"I never thought I'd have to be a girl," I reply. She moves in front of me and took out this pencil. I backed away. "What's that for?!"

"It's eye liner..." she answers confused.

"Oh okay... talk me through this..." 

"Holy shit," Alex says from the front seat as I throw my bag in the back.

"Shut the hell up." I pull the dress down lower on my legs.

"Holy shit," he repeats.

"What did I say about shutting the hell up?" 

He holds his hands up in defense, then grins, "I don't suppose this is when I call you hot before I drive you off for a date?" 

I slap him and he clutches his face. I bat my eyelashes at him. "Oh I'm sorry, not lady like?" I say in my Callie like voice that I had spent all night trying to perfect and if I do say so myself, I'm near perfection. 

"In pay back for that, I'm choosing what to listen to." 

I groan, Alex has the worst taste in music ever. Well to me anyway. In his perspective my music taste was terrible. Then my worst nightmare came true, at half seven in the morning, in a small car, Alex starts rapping. 

                       _-_-_-_-_-Two Hours Later-_-_-_-_-_

"Dude, I can't do this..." I say, shrinking back into the car. Alex pushes me back up straight.

"For the love of God, we have come to far for you to chicken out. Think about it, the longest you'll be here is a month... maybe two..."

"The dye won't last that long, it washes out after twenty washes, maybe we should just head home."

"No! I did not waste two hours worth of gas on letting you wuss out, Coop. Get your bony ass in there!" And with that he shoves me out of the car. With so much force that I land flat on my face. As you can guess that on a college campus at half nine in the morning with many pledges arriving, there was a lot of people. A lot of people who find my pain amusing. 

"Dude, I am so sorry!" Alex says, his voice coated with fear as I stand back up. I lunge back in the car and start whacking him. Ever since we were kids Alex has feared me lashing out at him, for a skinny dude I can hurt. 

"Dude dude dude! People are watching," he hisses. I tense up. Sure enough people were watching me beat the shit out of Alex. 

"I don't ever want to see you again, Alex! You fucking douche! We're over!" I screech, in my girl voice and grab my bag before proudly walking away from the car, leaving a gobsmacked Alex. 

"Fine, you whore!"

I grin to myself, looked like he caught on. Then I realise I didn't know where the hell I'm going. I groan and look around for a sign to direct me somewhere where I could jot down my name as Callie Dayle. 

"You look lost," a deep voice says behind me. I spin around. He's standing close enough to me that my hair whacks him in the face.

"Personal space, dude, ever heard of it?"

"Nate." He extends a hand. "Head frat." He looks at me with interest with green eyes. He has dark honey coloured hair and prominant cheek bones. I'm sure any girl would find him attractive. 

"Good for you," I say sarcastically and continue walking.

"I think you'll find that sign up is the other way," he tells me smugly. I turn around on my heel and walk past him.

"I knew that."

* * *

Please let me know what you think so far, sorry if it was boring.

Be expecting an update on mybe Thursday/Friday.

Thankies for reading! (:

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