The Guy Under Attack

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Mia takes another look at us. Well mainly me. She blinks a few times. 

"Jesus, you and Callie look so alike," she mutters. 

My eyes grow wide and I let out a weird choking sound, "So I've been told. A lot." 

"I'm surprised that you haven't killed them yet, Heather," Mia pauses, "Speaking of which, where is Callie?" 

I shoot a help look at Heather. 

"Callie had to go to the hairdressers. Some crappy assed lady didn't tell her that dye does not work on black. Right, I'm going to give them a tour," Heather pushes me first out in front of her. Mia shrugs and flops down on her bed.


Alex shuffles out beside me. Heather slams the door shut. As soon as we're concealed Alex and I jump back from one another. 

"I don't like touching you unless I'm to hurting you," I tell Alex. 

"Hey now, it wasn't a walk in the park for me either."

"Would you two man up? There's nothing wrong with holding another guys hand," Heather scolds us. 

"Anyone else but him would be fine," I reply. Alex whacks my arm and glares. "I'm sorry, man. I mean I love you and all but like a brother..." 

Heather sighs, "Come on, I am in major need of caffeine." 

We follow her down the stairs. Heather spins back around, looking at us and motioning for us to hold hands again. 

"No!" Alex and I shout at the same time.

"I really don't see what the problem is here," she tells us with an exasperated tone, hands on hips. 

"I've known Al since we were in dipers. It's just weird," I shudder.

"Yeah. What he said."

Heather sighs. "Fine! But if we run into Snow she'll be doubtful of the whole situation." She continues walking. I shake my head and follow. The campus ground is pretty busy with students and lecturers swarming around the place. Heather steers us into the student cafe. The mixed smells of cinamon, coffee and people. Yes people have a scent. Heather gets some coffee for herself out of the machine as I pull Alex into a chair beside me and immediately being playing with the sachets of sugar. When Heather sits down she swats my hand. I yelp and jump. Alex lets out a bark of laughter. 

"Act your age!" 

"Keep in mind that I'm younger than you. You're practically babysitting me," I pout and put my head in my hands. 

"Is he always like this?" Heather asks Alex. 

"Either this or violent." 

"I am sitting right here!" my voice squeaks at the end because I see Snow make her way in. 

"Duck!" I squeak even more so and faceplant the table. Ouch. 

"What's wrong, Coop?" Alex asks and suddenly I'm yanked up. I flail as I am pulled outside by the cuff of my t-shirt. 

"Don't hurt me!" I yelp once we're outside. I hold my hands in front of my face. 

"I will hurt you! How dare you take Callie's boyfriend away from her! You're a shitty brother," she points an accusing finger up at my face. 

I sense Alex beside me. "Woah what's happening here?" 

Alex being punched is exactly what's happening here. Snow literally let every ounce of her strenght into the punch. Enough to make Alex fall backwards into Heathers arms. Snow looks back up at me. 

"If you do that to me, I'll die. I'm a weakling. A certified coward," I blab. She slaps me instead. My head snaps to the side. 

"That's fair enough," I mumble, rubbing my jaw.

Snow looks at both of us with pure rage in her eyes, "How dare either of you come here, where Callie can finally escape from you two douche bags!" 

"They came to apologize, Snow..." Heather approaches softly. 

"I'm still prepared to castrate you asses." 

"Fiesty," Alex whispers to me. 

"You both better count your stars lucky that Callie isn't around today," Snow looks at Heather, "I'll see you back in the dorm, babe." She saunters off doing an ass wiggle. It takes all my will power to not look at it. 

"She can pack a punch," Alex grumbles. 

"Well she has been doing kick boxing for the last six years," Heather informs us. I burst out laughing. 

"Hate that, man!" 


Sorry for the lack of updates D:

But hopefully Snow's reaction makes up for it all. 

Picture is of Alex. 

Love you all<3

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