The Guy With The Girls

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I finally find the sign-up sheet and a relief to my fast paced heart, the lady behind the desk does not notice my disguise. I am sent to the sorority house and apparently will be told what to do from there. I clomp along awkwardly, trying so hard not to claw my legs off because of a killer itch. It wouldn't be lady like. I scowl at the word. What is lady like anyway?

I almost gasp when I see the sorority house. Scratch that, not house a fucking manshion. I gulp loudly and step across the perfectly kept lawn, with flowers. A bee buzzes around me and I irritably swatt it away. It wouldn't go.

"Get the fuck away from me!" I yell at it. But found my self face to face (okay in her case face to chin) with a girl.

"Sorry... not you... the bee..." I explain awkwardly. The girl in front of me has light brown hair, perfectly and presumably plucked eyebrows and glossed lips. Lets just say that if I was Cooper, I would. 

"Right," she says, seemingly unimpressed. "Well welcome to the sororiity of Kelton, and you are?" 

"Callie... Callie Dayle," I reply, suddenly very nervous. She raises a curt eyebrow. 

"You're one of our scholarships?"

I almost said 'Am I?' But I keep my cool and nod politely. She smiles as if it irritates her to do so. 

"I am Meredith Blake, head of the Kelton Sorority." A girl appears behind her, "I'm sure Ashley here will show you your room and room mate. We must talk later..."  

As Ashley grips my arm and I feel so freaking embarrased that her hand could wrap around my arm. Either she has seriously long fingers or I need to get gym membership. 

"Scholarship right? Congrads on getting it!" She sounds exactly like those over payed and over used actresses on TV promoting utter crap. She leads me up a flight of stairs with long red carpet. Am I in Buckingham Palace or something?! There are a tonne of rooms down the hall and she took me into the third one. She smiles falsly at me before opening the door to what sounds like screaming. 

"Girls! This is Callie Dayle, she'll be your last room mate." Ashley smiles, flicked her blonde hair out of her eyes and slams the door shut leaving me in a room with three complete female strangers. One of which pounces on me in a bone crushing hug.

"Hi! I'm Heather!" she says fast and energetically. She is really small, smaller than Meredith, she only reaches my shoulder. She has short red hair and pixie like features. She jumps down and frowns. 

"You're so skinny..." 

"Eh, thanks..." That made me feel so much better. Thanks. 

"You must tell us your secret." She grins. I smile back. No freaking way. She then looks as if she remembered something, "This is Snow and Mia." She gestures toward two girls, one was packing her stuff away and another was looking into a magazine. 

"I'm the one they call Snow," the one packing away said, smiling at me. She has dark blonde hair herself and grey eyes. Pretty hot to say actually.

"That's Mia." She gestures towards the girl on the bed. Who is unresponsive to anything. All I can see is green hair. You heard me right, green hair. Either she meant it to be like that or she seriously needed to go to specsavers. I peer at the magazine she was reading, I recognise it as a music magazine that I actually buy a lot. 

"Cancer Bats are awesome..." I say dismissively and her eyes only flicked up. Snow gives me an apologetic look. Heather jumps up and down in front of me and squeals. 

"This is going to be so exciting! We're all going to have to do each other up for the dance." She looks at me, "What are you going to wear, Cal?" she asks, seemingly very pleased with my new nickname. I gesture towards the dress that seemed too under dressed at this point. Heather and Snow laughs then realise that I was deadly serious. 

"Oh darling, we're going to have a lot of fun with you!" Snow grins, Heather squeals, Mia stays silent and I almost puke there and then. 

Alex shakeshis head. Typical Cooper on thinking of a smart idea that fast. He laughed at the look on everyones faces as he drove past. He even saw a few people check out Cooper. Or should Alex say Callie? His mobile rings, blaring Eminem. His favourite artist and Cooper's least favourite. 

"Sup?" he greets casually. 

"Alex! Come back and get me man!" Cooper sounds terrified. 

"What?! You've been there a half an hour!" he replies, shocked.

"You haven't met my room mates..." he says in a grave voice.

"I wasted two hours worth of gas on you Cooper!"

"I know, you've mentioned that before! Just please, I'll pay you!" He pleads. 

"No, now don't call back unless you're severly injured and want to tell me your last words." I disconnect the call. Cooper is a big boy, he can handle himself. 


Hi! Sorry for the shortness for it but at the moment I am sitting in a hotel lobby stealing very slow internet. Sorry again!

Let me know what you think and thanks for reading!

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