The Guy In The Showers

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"Get the fuck up!" a voice screams, way too close to me for comfort. I jump back, resulting in me falling out the other side of the bed, sheets tangled around my ankles and my butt extremely sore. I heard Snow squeal as she was heaved out of bed. Heather looked scared as shit and Mia just looked surprised and irritated. I stood up, with my arms crossed over my chest. Three girls, well I presume girls seeing as their faces are covered by ski masks, stand in front of us; screaming orders to get up and get out. 

"Move it!"

"I know you can move faster!"

"Get the fuck out, twig." One of them whacks the side of my head.

"What - " I'm silenced with a look from Snow. A look that said just go with just go with it. So I do, my arms aching from crossing them tightly. We're ushered downstairs, where the party had just been. Meredith is standing at the bottom, eyes judging and arms crossed, much like my own but casually and pointed foot with her hip out following. Someone shoves me to the front so I stumble forward, almost falling. Meredith raises an eyebrow at my atire. 

"Good sleep?" no one responds but she continues anyway, "Didn't get any? You won't. The nice little party you had today was just to butter you up. Right now, this is what you're in for," she pauses, critical eye scanning the room, "That is, unless you want to drop out now. We won't judge you. Come step forward if you don't want to do this every single day and night of your pledging to the sisterhood."

One girl actually stands forward. Meredith points at her and smiles, but it isn't the sugar coated one she wore earlier. "You. I respect that you're honest. But now, you've gotta go."

The girl looks at her bewildered. 

"Get out! Now! Scram!" 

"What about my clothes?" she asks, her voice was low and squeaky. 

Meredith glares at her, "Didn't you here me? Move!" 

The girl runs past her and straight out the door. Meredith looks back up at us. 

"Anyone else?" her gaze lands on me, ironically, "How about you?"

"I'm still standing here aren't I?" If possible, the silence seems to get thicker and I immediately regret saying anything. 

"You won't be for long. Girls..." 

And immediately something is splashed over my head from the balcony above. I just stood there, back hunched up and arms crossed as whatever gunk they threw down doused me. I look up under my fringe at Meredith. I have been covered in way worse stuff than this. I'm not confident in what that stuff is, but I have had a full trash can emptied on me. What can I say? I was a small, scrawny kid a while ago. Just drop the small and the situation's the same. 

Meredith changes her attention back to the girls behind me, who were still in shock at what had just happened.

"Go back to bed! The real work starts tomorrow." 

I begin to turn around and follow the girls upstairs but thought better of it and shake my hair, so basically all the gump goes all over the surrounding people. Which really is Meredith and girls in ski masks. Before she could do anything, I run up the stairs taking two at a time.

"Oh my God!" Heather squeaks as soon as the door was shut, "What was that all about?!"

"It's the start of the pledging, what did you think this place was gonna be? All sorority chants and fruit punch?" Mia asks her, to which Heather responds with only changing the subject.

"Callie! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, been through worse," I mutter, running my fingers lightly through my hair. "What is this gunk?"

"Sweet and sour sauce, it was in a big bowl at the party." Snow chips in, getting back into bed.

"You going to be okay?" Heather asks me. I plaster a smile on my wet face.

"I'll be fine. Going to go and wash all this gunk off though." I grab a clean shirt, with the bra with it; no way I am going to take that chance again. Trodding lightly down the hall and downstairs I finally find the shower room. Sadly, there is nothing to shield you from other people except for a rib high wall. Well ribs for me. I quickly turn on the shower and take out the extensions and drape them over the wall. I take off the shirt and panties and finally let the warm water run down my back. I wash the gunk thoroughly out of my hair and do other processes guys do in the shower. Humming random songs under my breath I begain to turn around, with my eyes shut. 

Big mistake.

In mid turn I hear a scream. 


Please do let me know what you think xD

Picture of Cooper with blonde hair on the side, you'll just have to imagine the extensions and girl-like features.


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