The Guy Out Of His League

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We go downstairs later where a fuckload of girls are, in so many types of different dresses it it's unreal. I have to stop myself from ogling some. Heather bobs along in front of me in a little green dress, just a little darker than Mia's hair. Snow is in a white summer dress that shows off a lot of her tanned skin. Mia herself is in an electric blue dress, as outragious as her hair which was in little pink tails. I had stayed in the black dress, having no other dresses. I hear Mia snort behind me, I raise an eyebrow at her. She ignores me. Good God that girl annoys the crap out of me. 

"It's so posh!" Heather squeals and jumps. Right into Meredith, who's rocking a little red boob tube. Damn. I hated the fact that this dress is so clingy... 

"Heather... isn't it?" Meredith says politely, smiling showing perfect teeth.

"Yup, Heather Matthews at your service!" she giggles and salutes. Oh God, I walk off. I'm sorry but I can not watch that awkwardness. I spot Snow being a social butterfly and talking to everyone and anything. I groan and make my way outside, at least there was air out there. Ironically Mia is out there, on the only seat which is a swing, blaring something through her earphones. I sigh and plop down beside her, pulling her headphone out on the way.

"Hey you idiot!" she shouts at me.

"Hello to you too," I mutter, putting the earphone in my own ear. Alesana. I recognise them straight away. 

"Alesana, I approve." 

"I don't need your approval," she grunts but made no move to get the headphone back. 

"Still doesn't stop me from giving it," I respond. It's then silent, besides the heavy array of guitars. 

"Why are you here?" Mia asks me after a while. 

"I told someone I would, so I'm fullfilling their wish." If only she knew.

"So you're coming here because you told someone you would? Not because you wanted to?" Mia slumps back. "Well that seems logical."

"Oh I'm very logical all together. I ooze logic."

"Evidently you ooze sarcasm as well."

We relapse back into silence until the girl called Ashley came out, all smiles and cleavage.

"Meredith is making a speech, you wanna come in? It's very important!" 

"Listen to a barbie talk about team spirit for an hour, no thanks," Mia mutters. I nudge her and roll my eyes, standing up. If I want to make a good impression on this place I better show my face. Mia groaned but surprisingly follows me in.

Big mistake.

They are in the middle of a Sorority chant.

It sounds like witch craft! But Heather and Snow are there, belting it out and doing all the unnecessary hand movements. I stand there as stiff as a tree, unable to move. Mia looks horrifyed and goes back outside. Finally the horror is over and Meredith starts a speech. 

"I have had the pleasure to speaking to you lovely girls!" I already want to gag, "Over your pledging we hope to know more about you and that you become one of our sisters!" she laughs, "There'll be some work involved but I'm confident you all can do it! But for now, we relax and mingle. Enjoy!"

They start chanting again. 

Save me. 

At nine that night the party finishes up and every pledge goes upstairs. Back in the room, Snow is busy stripping off into her pyjamas, completely oblivious to me perving. I hunt through my bag for some form of girl pyjamas to no avail. All I can find is a pair of my own red and black checked boxers and a very old Slipknot t-shirt. Crap. I grab them anyway and go off to the bathroom before anyone could say anything. Pulling on the boxers I feel so much more comfortable. I feel like myself. I take the bra off, I will not be able to sleep with that. I can cross my arms over my chest or something... I pull on the faded shirt and scrub off the make up, all besides the lip gloss which made my lips look naturally girly. I look like Callie... but like Cooper as well... Gah this shit gets confusing.

I bundle all my clothes that I had taken off around my pancake chest and walk quickly back to the room, before anyone saw anything they weren't meant to. Again once in the room, I stuff all my stuff in my bag and hopped into the bed.

"Well someone is eager," Snow comments, getting into her own bed.

"I like my comfort." 

"Nice pants by the way, were they your gay boyfriends?" Mia mutters. 

"Nah, my brothers. I packed them by mistake," I bluff. They drop the subject and Heather jumps to turn the light off, then hops into the bed. I shut my eyes and snuggle down, finally comfortable.

That lasts for about a half an hour.


Let me know what you think (:

Sorry for the wait!

Picture is of Mia, just minus the side fringe.

Bye (:

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