The Guy In The Dress

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"Cooper, wake up." My Mom shakes me awake, I can hear the urgency in her voice. I roll over and mumble something I can't even make out.

"Callie's been in a accident." Her voice is rough, as if she is trying to hold back tears. I immediately sat up.

"Is she okay? What happened?" I shoot questions at her faster than I can say them.

"We don't know. That's why we're going to the hospital now." She moves out of the room, "Be ready in two minutes," she calls after her. I get up and start pulling on some pants.

"Fuck Callie, what did you do now?" I mutter to myself, while pulling on a random red t-shirt I found on the floor. Before going down stairs I grab my phone and headphones, this could be a long wait. 

                                                    _-_-_-_-_ 6 hours later-_-_-_-_

Waiting for six hours in a disinfectant stenched waiting room with my Mom and a guy that looks like he could wrap his hand around my neck and have space to grab more. Needless to say in my black skinny jeans and red v-neck I fear for my life. A doctor comes out and Mom shoots up as if a wasp just flew up her ass. 

"Ms. Dayle? Your daughter has a broken coller bone, four crushed ribs and two broken legs. There's also some internal bleeding, but that isn't the largest issue. The issue is that she may experience some trauma and she won't be able to move for quite some time."

Mom can't speak so I stand up and take the roll of responsible adult. "What happened to her?"

"What we've gathered is that she was being driven home and the car collided with a cement mizer truck. The car flipped. The boy is in more critical care than her."

"Can we go in and see her?" I ask as my Mom grips onto me for support. The doctor nods.

"She's awake, but on morphine so don't be concerned if she doesn't seem herself. We're going to keep her in for a few days to see how her current state does." The doctor saunters off down the hall.

"Come on Mom, Callie's waiting," I tell her softly and shuffle her into the room. Callie grins broadly when she saw us. She's connected to so many tubes and she's covered in casts. 

"Hey..." she croaks and winces as if speaking hurt her.

"Hey honey, how you feeling?" Mom regains her composure. 

"No worse than usual. Hey Coop," she says, smiling at me. 

"Oh honey, what did you go do to yourself?" Mom slumps down into the chair beside the bed, leaving me standing awkwardly. 

"Don't worry about me Mom. I'll be up and running in no time..." Callie notices Mom's pained expression, "I'm not going to be able to go to the sorority am I?"

Mom shakes her head, tears streaming down her cheeks. 

"I'll loose the spot. It was so lucky that I even got that place..." she sounds crushed. 

"It's okay, sweety, you'll apply for more colleges..." 

"But I don't want to go to more colleges! Kelton is the only college I want to go to and I can't do the stupid pledging. I won't get this chance again!" she sobs and then takes a sharp intake of breath from the pain of sobbing. She suddenly looks at me.


"Me?" My eyes open wide, I do not like the sound of her voice. It sounds too much like the voice she used when she convinced me to climb the pylon outside and spy on the neighbourhood. I snapped a wire and the town was out of power for a week. 

"Cooper can go for me."

"What?!" Mom and I shriek at the same time.

"I don't know if you've noticed, Callie, but I am not a girl!" 

"I know you're not a girl, numb nuts. You don't shut your bedroom door that often." 

My eyes grew wide again, "Pervert." 

"Not my fault you forgot to shut the door. Surprisingly impressive by the way." She smirks at my horrified expression. 

"Callie, enough about your brothers... eh parts..."

"Okay, but seriously, give Coop some form of hair extensions, a bra and some girl clothes and no one would notice!" Callie seems very pleased with her idea. 

"No way!" I say, no one listens to me.

"His bottom goes straight to his legs, how do you suppose he feigns the femine curves?" Mom points out. 

"A lot of girls are as skinny as hell. He'd be able to pull it off, Mom. Anyway you have to admit he's too pretty for a guy." 

"I am standing right here!" They both share a guilty expression. "My body, even though you speak as if it was ready to be hired out. I'll decide what to do with it."

"You'd really be helping me out, Cooper..." Callie looks at me with the most innocent expression ever. 

"I suppose it could work, what do you say honey?" Mom also gives me a look. A look that said, 'This would mean so much to her, you don't want to hurt her furthermore do you?' 

I groan, "Fine fine, I'll do it."

Mom and Callie beam. "We'll go shopping and pick out your clothes-" Mom gushes but I stop her.

"If I'm doing this, I'm getting the clothes myself. Okay?" 

"Thank you so much Cooper!" Callie was grinning so much. I roll my eyes. 

"Yeah, yeah. You owe me big time."


Please let me know what you think and thanks for reading... Don't think anyone is reading this... but just in case!

- Amy (: 

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