The Guy With The Hair Extensions

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“Extensions. And a fuck load,” Alex tells the horrified hair dresser.

“For him?” She looks at me, looking to see if I look like a gender confused guy.

“No for the chick behind me,” I say sarcastically and evidently she does not pick up on the sarcasm because she looks over my shoulder. “It’s for a play in school," I lie and she visibly relaxes.

“Okay, you want your natural hair colour?”

Alex nudges me, “You not going blonde, man?” he asks. The girl looks at me patiently. If I’m doing this I might as well go the full way yeah?

I nod, “So a dye and blonde hair extensions,” my voice wavers at the blonde bit. I'm going to miss my black hair. But I'm not going to be me. I am going to be bright, bubbly and blonde Callie. Alex waits by the seat near the door, as if he was ready to make a bolt for it.

“Must be some important role huh?” she asks, beginning to wash my hair.

“Yeah, really important.”

Alex’s eyes popped out of their sockets. I hold my hand up to stop him from speaking.

“Comment about this and I’ll knock you out okay?”

He nods mutely. “But… you kinda look like your sister.”

“That was the aim huh?” I had asked the hair dresser to put in the extensions, to show me what to do. I had debated getting a wig, but what if there was a wind and it blew off? No it was just safer going for the whole blonde look. Alex suddenly smiles.

“Duck into the bathrooms.”

“What? Why? I don’t need to pee…”

“You’re going to try it all on," he says, pushing me towards the bathrooms.

I shake my head, “No way! I’ll save that for Monday!”

Alex rolls his eyes, “You’re visiting Callie today, aren’t you? You’ve got to show her what she’s gotten her baby bro into.” He kicks the door open and throws the bag at me. Then locks the door after him.

“Ah man, come on!” I plead with him, jiggling the handle.

“You’ll look weird with the girl hair anyway! Come on, do the whole do for me!” he pauses, “Anyway, I’m not unlocking the door until a hot girl walks out.”

“Fine!” I say finally and hunt through the bags. My eyes stay on the cotton wool. “Everything?” I ask.

“Everything. Yes the cotton wool too, Coop.”

I groan at that and take one of the bras out and start stuffing it. Then after a load of difficulty I finally get it attached to my chest. I look down at it. As long as no one tried to strip me or as long as I didn’t go swimming, I was good. I pull on a shirt from hot topic.

“Put on the skirt, man.”

“NO!” I shout at him.

“Do it or I’m not opening this door.”

“There are windows…” I bluff. I could literally sense him roll his eyes.

“No there are not. You’re acting like we’ve never been in here before. Callie, put on the skirt.”

“When I go out of here I am going to punch you,” I threaten.

“Now now, that’s no lady like behaviour,” he tuts.  I laugh bitterly.

“I hope you had no hopes to be a future father…” I say, shrugging off my pants.

“Leave Chippy alone, he didn’t do anything to you,” he replies, defensively.

“Chippy? You named it Chippy?”

“Why wouldn’t I name it Chippy? It seemed appropriate. No hush up and get dressed.”

I pull on the skirt and put my shoes back on. Bundling my clothes back into the bag I caught a look at myself in the mirror. I look like… not me. The hair hid some of my face and the extensions made it look more girly. The cotton wool did its job and the Asking Alexandria shirt makes me feel a little normal. But that stopped at the red skirt that was way above my knee.  I have awkward legs so that was a problem with the skirt. I don't like the draft up between my legs. It's unnatural. I keep on my vans shoes.

“Okay dude, you can open up,” I tell him, turning extremely embarrassed knowing what Alex’s reaction was going to be. The door opens and I swear Alex’s jaw hit the floor.


“Yeah I know…”

“Dude, you’re actually kinda hot as a chick,” he pauses before quickly adding, “No homo!”

“Let’s just go to the freaking hospital, yeah?” 


Alex goes in before me to tell Mom and Callie that I'm not myself... I don't feel myself in the slightest. An old man kept looking at me the whole walk here. I gave him the finger going in the door earlier. I finally go into the ward. 

"Holy shit," Callie finally says after a moment of silence. Then she grins, "I always wanted a little sister!"

I glare, "Just because you're in casts does not mean I can't find other forms of torture." 

Her grin fades but not at my threat, "Your voice. Why do you have a deep voice, Cooper?!"

She really expects me to have control over my voice?

"I don't know why, ask puberty," I pause, "I can higher my voice." I take a breath, "Hi my name's Callie!" I do this weird little hair flick thing and cheesy smile.

"Oh haha very funny," Callie laughs bitterly. 

"It'll have to do, you're going tomorrow," Mom says in a serious tone.

"Tomorrow?! But today's Saturday!" Everyone looked at me confused.

"Today's Sunday, dude," Alex tells me gently.

"Awesome, great, perfect..." I pinch the bridge of my nose. Tomorrow is going to be great. Did you notice the sarcasm?

* * *

Thank you for reading and please let me know what you think (:

Like last chapter the picture is of Cooper before he dyed his hair.

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