The Guy In A Panic

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The screaming continues as I grab a towel in my moment of blind panic. 

"What the fuck?!" Heathers eyes are wide in panic. I hold the towel closed around my waist. 

"Heather calm down!" I say gently, trying to calm her down. 

"I won't! How can I?!" 

I step towards her but immediately she backs away and trips over her feet, causing her to fall on her butt. 

"Stay back!" she squeals when I tried to help her up. I held my hands up in defense. 

"Okay sorry." 

She scoots over to the wall, "Who the hell are you?! You're obviously not a Callie!" 

"Shouldn't I be the one panicking? Someone just saw me naked!" I tell her and she gawps at me. 

"No! I have a perfect right to panic. I come down here to see if Callie was okay and I see you there prancing around!" she notices the extensions on the wall, "What kind of sicko are you?"

"I can explain," I plead. I do not need this girl blabbing about me to everyone. 

"I sure hope you can, pervert. Who are you?" Woah what happened to Ms. Happy sunshine pants? 

"I'm Cooper. My sister is Callie, she's in hospital... She talked me into going here for her." 

Heather just looks at me in a way I can't name. It was kind of a mixture of disbelief, shock and more shock horror. "If you're lying..."

"Why would I lie? I have no reason to. My older sister is in the hospital and I'm just doing her a favour." A big big big favour. 

"Older? How old are you?" Heather begins to stand back up, looking at me with curiosity. 


"You're really young..." she mutters. I shrug, tightning my grip on the towel. She looks thoughtful for a moment, "I wish I had a brother like that," she concludes, shocking me. A minute ago she acted like she was going to call a swat team. 

"So you're not going to rat me out?" I try on an innocent puppy dog look.

She bit her lip, "You're just being a good brother so no." Then she looks excited and jumps up and down again, "I can totally help you! You mightn't know all of the sorority facts and what not..." 

I smile, grateful that she wasn't going to rat out. 

She pauses, cocking her head to the side, "Who was the guy you beat up then? Unless that was your boyfriend like you said..."

I shake my head and laugh, "No... I'm not gay. That story was just utter shit that I thought up of. He's my bestfriend of which I made help me." 

"Poor friend," she says, giggling. 

"Thank you," I say after a moment. 

She smiles and starts walking out, "I'll see you back upstairs..." 

As soon as she left I slump down against the wall and let out a massive breath. That was a close one. And what? My first day in and yet someone has figured out my secret. Perfect. I rest my head back against the wall. I really hope Heather won't loose her cool. Callies' chance here lay on our shoulders now. 

Sorry for the delay! But hey it's up! Do let me know what you think.

I also pimped out the cover, any opinions on it? I'm pretty proud of it personally since I made it on paint. Oh I'm so basic. 

Okay bye! *hugs*

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