The Guy With The Hose

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Speedily finishing my shower I dry myself off and gear up. Ha, gear up. Feels like that at this point. I tread lightly back to the room. The dorm is in darkness so I quickly hop into my bed. A light suddenly errupts from Heathers corner of the room and I peer over to see a hand up in the air giving a thumbs up in my direction. I groan and put the pillow over my head. 

That morning I am sat upon. My breath is taken out of me and yet again I roll to the floor, flat on my back. 

"How many times has she fallen so far?" Mia asks, yawning.

"Think three?" Snow responds.

"I am sueing whoever sat on me," I grunt, push myself up and stretch. 

"What time is it?" I mumble. I feel like I haven't had any sleep.

"Eh six."

I look at Snow with arched eyebrows, "Six as in bright or six as in dark?"

"Light. We were told earlier to get up, but we couldn't wake you. You sleep like a rock," Snow tells me, sitting elegantly at the end of her already made bed. 

"I was completely unaware that rocks slept," I mumble and rub my hair, careful not to fuck up the extensions. 

"Smart ass," Mia mutters and I surpress a smirk. 

I opened my mouth to reply with a sarcastic come back but Mia held up a finger and made a stern face. 

"You comment and I'll saw your tits off." 

Well I've never heard that one before. I still held up my hands up in defense. Mia glares at me and continues putting on her shoes. The I notice them all in shorts and t-shirts. I raise an eyebrow.

"Dress code?"

"We have pledging task to do today," Snow tells me. 

"That requires shorts? Gorgeous." I remember packing one pair... they were stupidly short and blue. I hunt them out, along with a batman t-shirt with seemingly a bullet hole through the middle. Alex got it for me for my sixteenth. What? Just because I'm meant to be a girl doesn't mean I'm bringing none of my own clothes. A guy's got to have some comfort. I begin to make my way out the door. 

"Why don't you get dressed in here?" Snow asks me. 


"Because...! He- SHE's... very... uncomfortable about... her body," Heather saves me. Not very well, may I add but she came up with an excuse. I shoot her a thank you look. 

"Oh honey, I'd kill to have your figure..." Snow smiles at me. I give her one back.

"Yeah.. I'm still gonna..." I make a run for it then as smoothly as I could. Oh Jesus she almost let it slip. I'm going to have to have a talk with her later... I get dressed as quickly as I could in the bathrooms. Luckily no one was in there. I looked in the mirror, my legs looked like twigs. They are not used to sunlight. The shortest thing I have ever had them in was knee length boardy shorts when I was forced to go swimming in Spain on time. As you could guess I got a lot of digs from my mom and Callie about the fact that they could count my ribs. I tie up the extensions, wrapping another around the band. It doesn't look too bad. When I get back to the room no one is there but Heather. 

"Where'd they go?" I ask, still Callie's voice just in case they were still in the room.

"Oh they went downstairs." 

"Thank God, my throat is getting sore," I drop back to my own voices that feels dry. Heather almost gasps.

"You didn't have a deep voice yesterday."

"I didn't want to scare you even more." 

Heather nods, "By the way I am so sorry about almost..."

"It's okay... No one suspects anything do they?" 

"No! Not at all! They like your legs though."

I roll my eyes, "At least someone does." 

There's a silence. I clear my throat, "Should we um go down?"

"Yeah... that'd be good. Think we're doing some chanting today, that should be fun."

Oh yeah, great fun. No one is downstairs and I hear squealing from outside. I scrunch my eyebrows at Heather who proceeds to shrug. I follow her outside and immediately at the door she screams. Then I'm met in the face with a squirt of water. I rub my eyes and soon see all the girls lined up, backs straight, all in shorts and seven girls with hoses. 

"You're both late, drop and do thirty," Meredith orders me. I look at her in disbelief and see that Heather is already on the ground and feebly doing push ups. 

"Drop and do what?" I say sarcastically and get squirted right in the face once again.


"What happened to counting forty?!" I ask, drop and start doing push ups. 


"Go back to school." Squirt squirt squirt squirt from every angle. I kept doing the push ups. I don't think anyone expected me to go past thirty. Heck, I didn't expect to get past ten. I guess twigs have some hidden strenght. I'm done just before Heather and Meredith glares at me.

"Get in the line!"

"Okay Princess..." I mutter, so she couldn't hear me. 

"Jumping jacks! Go!" Everyone obeys to her orders and jump jacks like hell. Still drained from my task I only do half efforts. 

"I think this one's slacking..." A deep voice comes of the scene. 

"The twig?" Meredith asks the guy... What's his name? The up in my face guy... Nate! That's his name and he's referring to me. 

"Do you mind?" he asks Meredith, motioning to the hose. She hands it to him, confused. And of course he aims it right at me. At my chest. With so much force that I flail backwards into the flowers. 

"Twat!" I groan, legs up in the air and as being pricked by thorns, "Cunt!" What can I say? I spent some time in England a while ago with my Gran and well... she swore a lot in a very British manor. 

"I'm so sorry!" Hands yank my up and I propell into his chest. I immediately recoil seeing as we were chest to chest and he would have felt my squishy implants. "Are you English?" he asks suddenly. I narrow my eyes, stomp on his foot and reply, "No you wanker." 

I just couldn't resist. 

Sorry for the delay!

But let me know what you think! 

Pic of Nate on the side (: *hugs* 

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