Chapter 28

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Ensnare is nearing it's ending with only a few chapter left to go. There will be a sequel on the way in almost no time after this book is finished. I know the chapters are short and the story will be quite short as well, but it's all to keep it interesting. Most of your questions will be answered in the next chapter. Prepare to discover what really happened ;) 

Our pack walked in silence toward the northern border. Anticipation and anxiety filled the air like a thick cloud around us. No one was expecting anything good to come of this.

                As we’d left the house, Eve had come to see us off. She’d fused over the boys, fixing their hair and fussing like a mother hen. Or a mother wolf. She’d even given Katie a hug, awkward as it may have been.

                I felt my heart beating in my chest. It held a steady rhythm, but hammered against my ribs with alarming strength. I felt as if it would burst from my chest at any moment. Perhaps that would be a greater end than what lay ahead, I had no way of knowing. They say the devil you know is better than the one you don’t, and at this moment in time I would strongly agree. Death by run-away heart seemed far less excruciating than what waited for us at the border.

                The silence continued until we were just out of earshot from the border. Matthew held up his hand and everyone drew to a halt. Now it was time for my heart to race.

                “Keep a brave face,” he said, his tone filled with authority and yet somehow also love for his pack. “We go into this strong. As a pack.”

                There were murmurs of agreement and with a nod we walked into the clearing up ahead. Together we walked toward our already decided future.

                As we stepped up to the border we came face to face with a pack of ten wolves. It was a drastic drop in numbers from what we’d encountered last time but they still outnumbered us. Each stood at attention in wolf form. They were trained soldiers.

                The Black Alpha stepped forward. He shifted and again I saw he wore a tight fitting spandex-like suit. It stayed intact throughout the shift.

                “Not all of you will be coming with us. We will give you a choice. Your Alpha and our pack member will come with us. You may bring two others. No more.”

                It took me a moment to realize he meant me when he said their pack member. I was after all a Stone River wolf by blood if not by heart. I saw Matthew tense. I could sense a growl in his throat. I walked over and took his hand in mine. The Black Alpha’s eyes flickered to our entwined hands.

                “Will you give us a moment to decide?” Matthew said. His voice came across as a snarl. I could tell he was fighting the alpha inside to not attack this rival.

                “Make it quick,” The Black wolf replied and took a step back.

                “Merlin, you should stay. Wilbur you’ll come with us,” Matthew announced. He seemed to be thinking deeply about his next choice.

                “Matthew?” I asked.

                He turned to look at me.

                “Can we… could we bring Katie with us?” I asked.

                In the past few weeks the girl had been my enemy. I’d seriously disliked her. Yet now I came to think of her as an ally. She was someone I could rely on. As a member of my pack I knew she cared for my well-being yet she didn’t jeopardize anything for my safety. She valued my will power and opinion as well. I wanted her with me as back up, someone who I could rationalize my point of view with.

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