Chapter 2: Space Heroes time!

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I gasped for air and shot up into a sitting position. It was just another dream. I sighed and wiped my sweat covered forehead with the back of my hand. My eyes traveled around the room and settled on the clock on the bedside table. It was started at 8...

"Holy freckles I'm late!" I cried as I forced myself out of bed and ran out the door. I kept running, taking no time to inspect my surroundings "Mom, why didn't you wake me up? I'm two hours late...!"

I fell silent after entering the kitchen and finding four gigantic bandana wearing turtles. They stared at me with risen eyebrows and judgemental looks. It took me a while to remember yesterday's unfortunate events.

I let out a loud sigh "sorry, I forgot I I'll just go then"

I was about to make a run for it when I suddenly bumped into someone. I backed up from the person, struggling to keep my balance as well but I failed miserably and fell on my bottom. And as the nervous wreck I am, I began to stutter. Nobody can ever understand me when I stutter. I looked up when I was sure my blush was no longer visible and saw a giant rat in a red kimono with a beard and a green staff. Surprisingly, I was not shocked, or scared for the matter.

"So...who's the rat?" I asked the boys who provided a crowd for us

"Skylar, this is Master Splinter, our father and sensei" Leonardo explained "sensei, this is the girl I spoke to you about last night"

The rat man stared down at me with his brown eyes, it felt like he could read my every thoughts, see my every secrets and my soul. It was like I was a book, and he was reading my contents. Creepy.

I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at the four green mutants who seemed to be in an awkward position such as I am "not to be rude but what is going on here? I mean four oversized talking turtles who know ninjutsu and a rat as a father! I think it's about time I get some explanations"

His sons were about to speak, probably to refuse my request, but Master Splinter took it from there "Skylar has a point, come with me"

He didn't wait for my answer and just began to walk away, and like an obedient dog, I followed him. He led me into this beautiful room where the floor was covered in protective mats and a gigantic tree growing in the middle of the room. If it wasn't for the presence of weaponry, I would never guessed this room to be a dojo.

Master Splinter took a seat on the floor just a few inches away from the tree. He placed his staff besides him and closed his eyes. He remained silent and so did I. Except I felt really awkward just standing there and watching him, waiting for something to happen.

"You do know you can take a seat" he said his eyes still closed

Just going with the idea of his big ears actually having a purpose, I took a seat so we were face to face "just so we're on the same page, you are gonna explain to me how you guys came to be, right?"

"Of course, and for that, we'll have to go to the very beginning" he said stroking his long beard "you see, I was not always the creature you see today. I started as a human just like you. Back then my name was Yoshi Hamato. I was born and raised in the Hamato clan in Japan, and as faith wanted it, my clan was rival with the Foot clan. One night, the Hamato clan wiped out the entire foot clan, but the leader, my father, had spared the life of a small child, Oroku Saki.

We were raised together, and rivals in all things as boys are. My brother would get jealous of me and my belongings, and when he found out about him belonging to the foot clan, his jealousy only grew, driving him to destroying everything; Including my wife and new born daughter" there was a small pause after that, he was probably taking time to catch his breath and control his feelings, while I was trying not to cry "after I had lost everything I had ever owned, I made up my mind to come here to the big city. But when I got here, my life was very lonely. So I decided to find some company.

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