Chapter 18: the serpent hunt

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I flinched at the harsh order but obeyed nonetheless "dudes, what's up with Master Splinter?" I whispered to the others

"He was pretty upset when he heard about what happened last week" Mikey said as he tried to keep up with us

"About me?"

We kicked our feet in the air in synchronization "not exactly" Donnie continued

"April? The kraang?" I questioned on

"Karai" Leo said as he kept his focus on the training exercise

I sighed, feeling guilty once again "oh..."

Unexpectedly, I received a heavy blow to the head and crumbled to the ground, grabbing my aching member as I grunt in pain. Four more blows were heard and the turtles came crashing down, each of them groaning as well.

I looked up to see our sensei with a wooden sword in his hands "you five are in training, not gossip sessions. You do not need your mouths working in order to train" he scolded

"Sorry sensei" we all bowed our heads in shame

A heavy sigh left his lips "we've done enough today. Training is over"

The mutant rat retreated under the tree where he would usually meditate. We stood up and left, even the eldest of the brothers left instead of staying behind for his daily meditation session with his father.

"Guys, I feel bad for Master Splinter" I said once we were far from the dojo

"It's not your fault, the old man just needs a break" Raph said before taking a seat on the bean bag and snatching a random comic from the pile of them resting besides the video games and the TV

"But we can't just leave him like that...maybe I should go apologize"

Leonardo stopped me "not such a good idea..."

"Why?" I demanded

"Master Splinter gets cranky when we interrupt his medication" Mikey spoke up

"It's meditation" The purple-clad corrected him "and he is right"

I rolled my eyes "oh come on, Master Splinter is very kind and I highly doubt he'd mind me interrupting him" I said with pride as I swerved around the leader and headed for the dojo

"Fine, but don't say we didn't warn yah!" Raph yelled after

I paid no attention to the pessimist and went back to the dojo. I stopped at the door frame and stole a glance at the interior, surprised to see Master Splinter was no longer under the tree. Instead, he was positioned at the altar with the frame picture and candles. I remained silent as I followed the rat's every move.

He held the frame up in his hand, a heavy sigh leaving his lips before placing it back down and returning to his chambers. The guilt grew inside and I just couldn't resist the urge to hatch a stupid plan.


I was in my bedroom sleeping, when my phone buzzed. It was the sound of my alarm going off. I turned it off and jumped out of my sheets, gathering all my gear as I headed out. I sneaked out the lair, using the shadows to cover my trace. I made it pass the turnstiles and started down the tunnel when I sensed something off.

I stopped in my tracks "I can tell you're there, come out!" I demanded

A shadow dropped in front of me and it was the one and only fearless leader "Leo?! What are you doing following me!"

"I'll ask the questions here" he retorted "what are you doing all geared up? It's the middle of the night"

"Just....going out...for a....walk?" I lied

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