Chapter 27: let's go shopping!! (Random chapter name XD)

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Author's note: yes! I finally updated! All hail me! Lol, kidding. Anyways, enjoy and next chapter will be out next week. If I don't publish the next one by Sunday, then please remind me for I may forget 😅 anyway, ENJOY!!!!

My eyes softly creaked open as I stirred. My sight was a total blur, leaving me at a disadvantage to any danger present in my location that was yet to be found out. But all that didn't matter to me. The only thing I desired most, was to know my comrades whereabouts. I tried to get up but my efforts were to no avail, my arms and legs were weak for some reason, I almost felt drained from all my energy.

"What...what happened?" I gasped out

I closed my eyes and tried to think back to what had happened before I passed out. But all I could remember was seeing my friends taken hostage while I was taken away. As my vision cleared up, permitting me to see once again, I inspected the room I was stuck in. It strongly resembles the kraang labs you would find back on earth, but more spacious and with twice the equipment.

In the room along with the many gadgets were three kraangbots, preoccupied with their work. I would estimate they were all weaponless so escaping wouldn't be impossible. But the only thing standing in my way from doing so we're the restraints.

While I zoned out to think of any possible ways of escape, a kraangdroid had approached me with a syringe in his hand. Before I took notice of him, he plunged the needle into my arm and extracted a seemingly large dose of blood. Only when it was filled to the brim did he remove the object. A soft whimper left me as he pulled the needle back out and I hopelessly watched him get away.

"How is the human test subject holding up?" Another kraangbot approached the one holding my blood

He looked up at his partner "the one known as Skylar is true to possess the special element in what is referred as the system. The extraction of this chemical will be of good use to kraang"

Only now did it come to mind the reason why I was here. I was too occupied thinking of a way out of here that I had forgotten about the purpose for me being here. They were after the element my so-called mother had implanted in me. Knowing this, staying here would put me at great risk. The probability of them sucking out every ounce of blood in me until they obtained what they want was very high. Panic-stricken, I started writhing around under the pressure of the restraints, but my lack of energy brought me to no avail. Nevertheless, I had managed to obtain the robot's attention.

"It appears that the human known as Skylar, has risen from the state of unconsciousness" one commented

"Not to worry, kraang has already ensured that the one referred to as 'human lab rat' will not be able to escape the place that she is not meant to escape"

I let out a soft groan "since you guys are listening to me, mind telling me what you plan on using me for?" They stared at me for a while before walking away without uttering a single word "hey! Talk about rude! Hasn't Kraang Prime taught you any manners! But then again if she did you wouldn't be trying to invade other worlds...."

I heaved out a sigh and pulled against the straps holding me down to the reclined surface but to no avail once again. As I laid there for countless hours, a kraangbot resurfaced from behind his desk with another needle at hand and it didn't take much time for me to comprehend his motives.

"No, get away from me with that thing!" I yelled but the android completely ignored my pleads

Taking advantage of my state of weakness, he stuck the needle into my right arm, receiving a yelp as he pumped the liquid in the syringe into my body. Once he pulled the extremely thin piece of metal out of my flesh, I permitted myself to let out a small gasp through my lips. I could feel the liquid he had transferred into my body travel through my veins, leaving a burning sensation after.

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