Chapter 22: 'til death do us part

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Author's Note: Guys......check how many reads this book has...

Yes! We've made it to the 1k reads! I told myself when that happens, I would do something very special. But I haven't decided what yet so I'll probably do it in the next chapter. But if you have ideas, put them in the comments. This would really help me. Thanks and enjoy.

Oh, almost forgot, this isn't gonna be so pretty, so if you can't stand gory stuff I suggest skipping to the next chapter even though you'd be missing out on one heck of a showdown. And please don't kill me, if you do, who else can replace special Author-chan????

Okay, I've said enough. Enjoy my lovely mutants.


An hour passed by and I still haven't managed to break free from these cursed chains. The skin around my wrist was blood red from all the force I've applied, and it stung badly. Nevertheless I kept trying.

"You'll never get away with this!" I yelled out, but my voice was muffled by the scotch covering my lips

I gave it one final yank before finally giving in to the fact I was glued to my spot. This wasn't supposed to happen, if only I had listened to Leo's warning. Leo...

I wanted him to be here so badly, but at the same time I wanted him to be as far from this place as possible. It's best they have me then them. After what I've experienced in this place, I have no doubt in my mind that they would be treated equally or worse. If only I could warn them but I had no way to get in touch with them. They took away my T-phone. And knowing them, they'd be here in a matter of seconds.

I let out a heavy sigh, but even that wasn't enough to drive the pain out of my heart. Knowing that I was the reason the four brothers were waltzing into deep boiling hot water was intolerable.

I suddenly felt the feeling I was being watched. I looked around, finding the room once again empty. But then I noticed shadows moving around and when I directed my gaze up to the glass ceiling, I saw four figures with pure white eyes.

"Oh no..." I mumbled but my words were again muffled

I pulled harder on the restraints and shook my head violently to the point I almost thought it would pop off. But my uncanny maneuvering didn't send them the message. They sneaked in quietly and just as they were about to approached me, TigerClaw appeared on their path.

"So glad you could make it, turtles" I could practically feel the excitement in his voice

A bunch of other henchmen, such as Bebop, Rocksteady, Fishface and Rahzor, stood besides the Tiger Mutant. Some footbots took their place out of the shadows while others piled into the room. And the final appearance was Shredder, accompanied by Keira. He took his seat on the throne while the female hybrid stood loyally besides him, her mischievous grin plastered on her face.

"We have been expecting you turtles" The man in armor spoke in a deep and dark voice "do you think you're ready to face me?"

Each of them pulled out their weapons as if accepting the challenge. I gasped and tried yelling for them to stop, but nothing I said made sense and I was still stuck on the stairs. And soon the fight broke out...

The sound of striking metal and heavy grunts rang through the air. Guns were going off majorly. And yet all through that, I could see the turtle hybrids fighting the enemy without breaking as much as a sweat. I was truly amazed by this.

The robots were the easy part for them, but when the mutants came out to play, things got a little less fun. Michelangelo, who was currently fighting Rahzor, had managed to kick his opponent down and went straight for me.

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