Chapter 23: a dream?

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Author's note: okay, I know, you all hate me for the last chapter. But in my defense, it was fun writing it. Okay, now, I know some of the you have been waiting for this a really long time. So here it is!

But before you read 😈 I just want to let you know I've decided what I will do to shellebrate the 1k reads on this book. But you won't know until the next chapter which brings me to the bad news.

This will be the last chapter I post until I finish my exams. My exams will start the 15th June till the 17th. So maybe after that I'll post. I'm really sorry but work comes before everything 🙄 Thanks for being patient with me and till the next time.

They're gone...they're all gone...Mikey, Donnie, Raph...Leo...they're all gone!'s my fault...this is all my fault! What have I done!

I sobbed harder as I clung to Leonardo. I knew I was now covered in his blood but I couldn't care less about that fact. All that mattered to me was that my leader, my hero, was dead. And there was no possible way I could bring him back...

"What have I done..." I cried out

"You've lead the turtles' to their own graves" the armored man said with glee "finally, all my plans and scheming have paid off. The rat's disciples are gone, and now there's no one who can stand in my way of getting my revenge"

"No!" I yelled, softly placing Leo's corpse on the ground and standing back up "You've killed my family here, but I won't let you lay another finger on anyone else! Master Splinter will live"

He laughed "such an arrogant girl you are. Do you really think you can face me?"

I didn't answer his question. Instead, I picked up a sword from the ground and got in position for possibly my last duel. He understood quickly and took out his blades.

"Wait, sensei" Keira stopped him before he got stepped down from his throne "let me finish her, after all, we made a deal"

He hesitated before nodding in agreement "very well, but make it quick and painful"

I kept a steady glare on the fox mutant as she approached with a tanto in her right hand and her devious smirk plastered on her face as usual. The thirst for revenge was still in me, but I tried to hold it back. Otherwise Leo's efforts would be in vain.

"How does it feel, to have lost everything?" She questioned

I smirk "shouldn't you know? After all, you lost everything you had. Even your humanity"

"That's coming from someone who's only friends were turtles"

I shrugged "better then zero"

"I suppose, but in the end, they're all dead. And they're not coming back. You're all alone now. That Master Splinter of yours will probably kick you out the moment he sees you covered in his sons' blood" she said, throwing the first strike

I blocked it and retaliated with a strong kick "Master Splinter is my sensei, so whatever he decides, I will accept without hesitation"

"Hmph, what about those two human friends of yours? You know they'll hate you for not being able to protect the turtles"

"They have every right to hate me" I said, punching her in the gut and tripping her "but as long as I can make sure they're alive, then that's fine with me" I directed the end of the blade at her "it's over, stay down" I warned

She frowned "go ahead. Do it. Finish me!" She yelled. I was still full of rage, but not to the point I would kill. That wasn't what Leo wanted me to do. I lowered my weapon "finish me!" She yelled again "don't be a coward like you always are!"

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