Chapter 3: Trust

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"Sky" A soothing voice called out "Sky!" The voice snapped me out of my slumber

The person who had woken me up did not notice I was awake and so began his second step to waking me up, shaking me violently by the shoulders. After a few shakes, I slapped the hands away from me and gripped my aching head.

"I'm awake" I groaned shooting a deadly glare at the orange-clad reptile

The oversized turtle flashed me his signature grin "sorry, dudette. You were late for practice so my brothers sent me to come get you"


"Yeah, you're supposed to start training today with us, remember?"

It took a few more seconds for it to hit me "I'm late for training!" I exclaimed before jumping out of bed and running out the bedroom with Michelangelo trailing behind

I ran down the hallway, passed the main room and entered the dojo. Everyone was gathered in the room. Leo and Raph were busy sparing while Donnie watched from the background. But they all seemed to drop what they were doing when I came in. Ignoring the weird looks I received from the others, I walked up to the rat hybrid who was in his normal spot in front of the tree and bowed my head.

"My apologies, I am late for training and I accept any punishment you have to give" I raised my head to be face to face with my sensei, though he was taller than me so it was not exactly face to face

"Do not worry, it was only twenty minutes" he reassured me with a friendly pat on the shoulder "now, if you'll go change we can begin our training session"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion but quickly realized something. I hadn't changed into my normal clothing. I was still dressed in my pajamas. I hid my body behind the nearest thing I could find, which was Michelangelo. The three other brothers exploded into a fit of laughter. This was humiliating!

"I'll go change now" I mumbled before racing out of there faster than a cowboy on a horse

Once secured in the room which was provided to me, I stripped down and put on my sports clothing which consisted of a pink floaty T-shirt and black shorts that reached just above my knees. I held my curly hair up in a ponytail and grabbed my protective gears as in knee and elbow pads.

I put the gear on while walking out my bedroom and heading in direction for the dojo. I could hear the boys still laughing about my wardrobe malfunction all the way from the main room. I contemplated for a while either to go in, or lock myself in my room. It took every ounce of courage to get myself to enter that room. Once in, all eyes were on me. The silence didn't last long and surprisingly it wasn't Mikey who broke it, but the turtle in the red mask.

"Sorry, I just...I can't stop" he started laughing once again, and similar to the plague, it contaminated the rest of the boys and they began laughing as well. The only ones who did not laugh were Master Splinter and Michelangelo.

"Real mature" I spat but all I got was another wave of laughter. A sigh escaped my lips as tried to block out the noise "Can we start already?"

Master Splinter stood up straight and barked "Yame!" The turtles instantly stopped and got in line in front of me and their sensei. I had to bite down on my lower lip to keep myself from laughing at how dog-like they were "now, before we start our training session, I want to see what you are capable of" he said, dropping his gaze down on me "Let's have you spar with Michel-"

"Not that I have a problem sparing with Mikey" I cut him off before he said what I knew he would "but I was hoping I could pick who to spar with"

"Hmm" he hummed, stroking his long beard "and who would you pick?"

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