Chapter 13: fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me

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A/N: this chapter is dedicated to my little Al 😔 may his soul forever rest in peace in the Lord's kingdom.

I woke up, my head still dizzy from the smoke's effects. I creaked my eyes open, waiting for them to get accustomed to the room's lighting. I sat up and attempted to rub my aching head but I couldn't reach. My hands were restrained to the wall. I tugged on it a bit, there was no breaking this. I sat up and analyzed my surroundings. No doubt was I in a cell room.

But how did I get here? Where were the guys? My mother and brother? Did the kraang kidnap us after my mother knocked us out like that? And why did she do that? Did she really prefer I'd be kept prisoner here then live freely with four oversized terrapins?

There were no way to find out her motives. But I will be questioning her the next time we see each other. I was drawn back to reality when the door to my cell slid open, revealing two kraangbots. They welcomed themselves in and walked up to me.

"What do you want?" I glared at the walking factories

One of them disconnected the chains from the shackles on my wrist and poked me with his laser gun, I took that as a sign to get up. I glared at the other robot who stood defiantly before me.

"The one known as Skylar will be coming with us" he announced as he turned on his heels and walked away

The robot behind me shoved me and I began walking "not like I have a choice, do I?"

I followed the two human like machines out the cell and into another room. This one wasn't like the others. The walls were painted white and there was a table in the center of the room. Kinda looked like this questioning rooms you see on television. They shoved me in and closed the door behind me. I turned around and attacked the doorknob only to find it locked.

I heaved a sigh and took a seat on one of the chairs that came with the table. I sat there for about half an hour before the door opened up and the woman who had given birth to me walks in.

"Mom?!" I sat up and stared at her "what happened? Where are we? Why did you do that?" I bombarded her with questions

She remained silent and took the only seat available. She looked up at me, her expression unreadable. I tried to speak up but she raised her hand as to signal me to remain silent. So I obeyed.

"You're probably wondering what you are doing here, am I correct?" She spoke up

I nod "yeah, kinda"

She closes her eyes, as if entering her own world up in her mind. She reopened them, they were still emotionless "I am forbidden from giving you details on this subject but I can tell you most of it"

I was on the edge of my seat, waiting for her to go on. What she tells me next could have a large impact in my life. So there was no way I would miss out. I wanted to know the truth. To know what this has really been all about.

"You are an important role in the kraang's plan. In other words, a guinea pig" she said blankly

I stayed silent for a while, letting the knowledge sink into my brain. And as her exact words replayed in my head, my eyes widen in shock and sadness.

"You mean...I....I-I'm...." I couldn't get the words to leave my mouth

"An experiment" she completed for me "you were brought into this world for this main purpose. To help Kraang achieve it's goals"

I closed my eyes, trying to block the words out but it didn't help when they kept replaying in my mind "no...I don't believe you"

"I know the truth hurts, but it was a matter of time before you find out" she said blankly

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