Chapter 15: pain fades away, but the scars remain

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Time has passed and wounds have healed. At least most of them.

I am still recovering from my last mission. Even though it happened like what? A month ago? Yeah, maybe I haven't done much healing. Truth is, the only healing I've done was with Leo when I had that crybaby stuff going on. After that, all I did was mask the pain and try to bring back the old me, hoping it still existed.

So far, the boys haven't noticed the difference, but they believe I shouldn't go on anymore night patrols. At least not until we figure what's this thing the kraang want that's inside of me.

And that brings us to Donatello. Not even once was I never in his lab. He would summon me to his laboratory to take another sample of my blood, DNA, and other unnamable stuff. But so far, no progress has been made. Today I was hoping would be the day, but after last night's events, I doubt it is.

But I kept a cheerful attitude as I got out of bed and got dressed for the day. Who knows, if I am lucky, Donnie will have found something and we'll remove it and then the days can be back to normal! Though, I'm not looking forward to the removing process. Just the thought of it disgusts me.

I put my mask on, what can I say, it has become a habit. I walked out of my room in direction for the main room. There, I found Raph and Mikey chilling out and watching their shows that Mikey told me "are parallel universes to ours". But then again, Mikey is Mikey. And Mikey will never change.

"Hey guys!" They jumped in surprise, Raphael growling as soon as he noticed it was me

"Hey, dudette, wanna watch some Crognard the Barbarian!!!!" The orange-clad burst with joy

I smiled awkwardly "I wish I could Mikey, but you know as well as I that I'm gonna be stuck in the lab today again" he frowned at this

"Donnie still hasn't figured out what the situation with you is?" Raph asked, quite shocked if I may add

I nod "yeah, I guess whatever is in me is a tough nut to crack"

"Don't worry, Sky. Donnie's very smart" Mikey gave me a sympathetic smile "not as much as me of course but I assure you he is capable"

I laughed "right, well. I'm gonna head off to the lab. Call me when training starts"

I turned around and headed off to the laboratory without waiting for an answer. As I said before, I felt like today would be the day. I was welcomed into the science inventory with heavy grunts and the sound of shattering glass. Guess it's not the day...

I ran over to Donnie who was sitting with his back facing me "Donnie, you okay?"

"I'm fine" he shoved me away

I came back and turned his wheelchair around, giving me a good view of the broken beaker pieces scattered around his desk "what happened?" I asked

"Just another failure" he mumbled, softly clutching onto his left arm, but I was still able to see the bloody scar

"You're hurt" I reached out for his hand but he pulled away

"I'm fine, just need some band aids" he muttered, standing up to reach the first aid kit on the shelves

I took it away from him "here, I'll help"

He unwillingly let me offer my services. I cleaned off the blood first, and carefully got rid of the shard of glass stuck in his arm. Once that was done, I cleaned the wound one last time before putting a band aid on it.

"There, hope I didn't hurt you" I smiled up at him

He shook his head and returned to his work without another word. I understood he wanted to be alone right now. But that wasn't what he needed. Since there weren't any other chairs available, I just stood besides him.

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