Chapter 4: it's a cat, made out of ice cream!

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As soon as we made it back to the Lair, I retreated to my room and instantly passed out on my bed, the memories of my day disappearing into thin air and replaced with another one of my nightmares.

I had accepted the fact that I'm not like others. I never once got a good dream, only nightmares. Horrible images pop in my mind every time my soul attempts to escape to the spirit world. That's the reason why I barely sleep and always wake up late in the morning. But I don't bother talking about my issue to others, they're just nightmares, it's not that big of a deal. At least that's what I thought.

I attempted to get some rest, my eyelids growing heavier by the second until I could not keep them open any long. I gave up resisting and shut them. The darkness consumed me whole, and dragged me into the dream plain.

{I was floating in the darkness, nothing around for miles, just darkness. I floated in the vast area for several minutes, waiting. Waiting for anything. Suddenly, the gravity pulled me down and I hit a surface with such force, I almost thought I broke my skull.

I pushed myself up on my feet and studied my surroundings. Still emptiness, but with a road starting from where I was standing. I took it as a hint to start walking. The walk was long and tiring. And I had still a long ways to go until I reached the end. But something told me there was no end.

Just when I thought of giving up, I noticed something in the distance. Hope arises in me and I begin to run. As I got closer, more details appeared on the object up ahead. It was definitely human, and a girl by its figure and traits.

I accelerate for some reason, excited to see who this person was. I came to a complete stop a few feet away from the person. Curly hair, electric green eyes, it was my sister.

I let out a breath I wasn't aware I was holding in, a smile tugging at my lips "Sister! I'm so glad to see you!" I exclaimed as I wrapped my small arms around her waist "I thought I lost you!"

The girl didn't respond, she stared at me with an expression I couldn't make out. I looked into her green eyes that reminded me so much of the warmth of my home. Except they were different this time. They were now clouded with anger and sadness, giving it a more pale green color.

"Are you okay?" I asked only to receive a glare

"It's all your fault" she yelled with tears cascading down her cheeks "It's because of you they're gone!"

"What are you talking about?" I took a step back in case I needed to run

She pulled out from behind her a kaiken and brought it down on me before I could do anything else.}

A gasp escaped my lips as I jumped out of my covers and sat up straight. The images replaying in my head. The awful image of my own sister attempting to end me brought tears to my eyes, but I wiped them before they had the chance to come out to the surface. I checked my bedside table where my alarm sat, flashing 4:42. Might as well just stay up, than I won't have to be late for training.

I swung me feet over the bed and kept in a gasp as my feet made contact with the freezing ground. I pushed my cover off and jumped onto my two feet, leaning most of my weight on the right leg because my left leg felt numb. I limp out the room and down the hallway. I tried getting down the small steps but I tripped and fell.

But I never made it to the ground. Two strong arms slithered around my waist and held me a few inches from the ground. I breathed out a sigh and gripped the spot where my heart is, feeling the organ pump at a million km per hour. That was so close.

The arms hoisted me back up, but I couldn't help but lean on the person who had just saved me from what could have been a trip to the ER. I looked up to see who my savior was, and to my astonishment. It was Raphael.

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