Chapter 19: the outcome

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Author's note: I gotta give you all a warning before you read this. This chapter contains some gory stuff. I tried to keep it all clean but I didn't do such a good job. Sorry, and try to bare with me. Thanks and don't forget to eat chocolate! 🍫🐢❤️😍

•Leonardo's POV•

I dropped my weapons and put my hands up in surrender "Please, Karai. I don't want to fight you" I begged

She pursed her lips into a smirk and readied her tanto "goodbye, Leonardo"

I didn't have enough time before she lunged at me. The blade was inches away from penetrating me but suddenly something came in between the two of us. That something being Sky.

My eyes widened in shock when realizing what happened. What she had done. The sound of dripping water rang through the air, my gaze dropped down to the ground where the sound emitted from. A red puddle was forming on the concrete beneath her.


She began coughing, her legs were shaking tremendously. She was about to drop at any minute now. Karai slowly and painfully tore out the tanto and she lost her balance. I caught Sky just in time and laid her down on my lap.

"Sky...Sky! Sky, answer me!" I panicked, seeing how much blood she was losing

She lazily opened her eyes, pain was evident in them "L-Leo...I'm s-so sorry I...brought you into this..."

"Hang on, Sky" I grabbed my medical aid kit and took out the bandages "You're gonna be just fine" I tried to reassure her

I immediately went to work and wrapped the cloth around her abdomen where the wound was located, trying my best to stop the bleeding. During this time, Karai escaped, laughing darkly as she disappeared into the shadows of the night.

I paid no attention to her and kept working on my friend "stay with me Sky!"

She nods, grunting in pain as I finished off with a tight knot. I let out a sigh and rubbed the sweat off my forehead.

"L-Leo... Where's Karai?" She asked, looking around

"That doesn't matter right now" I scolded, gently picking her up into my arms "we need to get you to Donnie, it won't hold much longer"

She leaned her head against my plastron "I' tired"

I took in a deep breath and dashed to the nearest manhole cover. I carefully removed it and climbed down, I can't move frantically or I might end up worsening her case. I didn't bother placing the cover back, I raced straight through the tunnels as fast as my feet could take me.

"Leo" she called but I didn't answer "Leo!" I only hurried at the cry of my name "Leo! Slow down!"

"I can't!" I shot back "I can't let you die like this, not because of me"

I kept running at a faster speed if that was even possible. Suddenly, my foot got caught and I tripped, losing my grip on the kunoichi and falling on my shell.

I groan and pick myself off the ground "Sky, are you okay?"

The brunette was lying on the ground, a hand over her bleeding wound and the other one covering her mouth as she coughed harder then before. I scrambled over to her and tried to help her.

"Leo..." She reached her hand out for me and I grabbed it "if anything happens to me, please don't blame yourself for was all my doing"

I closed my eyes in pain "don't talk like that, Sky. You're gonna make it" I picked her up and started running again

It felt like forever until we made it to the Lair. I ran passed the turnstiles and stumbled into the Lair, shouting out for help. Almost instantly, the lab door swung open, revealing a nervous purple-clad turtle.

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