Chapter 12: my mission...

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It was another boring night of wondering the streets of New York, looking for any crime occurring during the night time. But we haven't found anything for the past couple of days and I doubt we'll be finding something tonight.

Raph groans "well isn't this just great! We've gone five days without any butt kicking! Not even the purple dragons have been active this week!"

"Do you think they all finally gave up?" Donatello asked

"I don't know, Donnie" Leo replied "but this is getting super suspicious"

Mikey smiled "or maybe they got abducted by alien cats!"

I laugh "nice guess, Mikey. But I think you should take it down a notch"

"Well, what was the most recent activities we've seen this week?" The purple-clad turtle asked

We all thought over it "Last time we actually did something was when we spied on Bebop and Rocksteady" Raph answered "and these two lost track of Bebop" he sent a glare our way

"Yeah well...what about you guys and Rocksteady?" Mikey retorted

Leo rolled his eyes "we told you, he spotted us and we ended up fighting the guy until he managed to escape"

"Oh yeah" I nervously play with a lock of my hair, hoping they won't start yelling on me as well

As the kappa brothers continued their argument, I felt this weird sensation burning in my mind. I felt strangely drawn to the building facing the one we were on at the moment. I got closer to the edge and watched the building, awaiting for an unknown event to take place.

Soon enough, the front entrance was slammed open and the same mutants I saw the other night stepped out, both of them surrounded by kraangbots without Norman suits and armed with laser guns. As I looked closer, I identify some kind of canister in the mutant warthog's hands. The canister was filled to the brim with a red glowing ooze, probably as dangerous as the mutagen.

"Guys, check this out!" I called to the bickering turtles

Raph grumbled "what now? Can't you see we're discussing!"

"Well, if you wanna pass out a chance to kick some butts then..." I was never able to finish my sentence for the red-clad terrapin rushed to my side

"Who is it? The kraang? Shredder's henchmen?" He questioned

I giggled "both"

Donnie joined our little group "what are they up to now?"

"Looks like they're transporting some chemicals" I said as I watch them pile into a small mini van

"Must be dangerous if they hired that many bots to protect it" Donnie analyzed

I looked up to Leo "well, Leo?"

He smiles "let's go bash some bots and ruin some schemes"

We all cheered as we chased after the van on the rooftops. The boys were so fast and hipped up. As if adrenaline was pumping in their veins instead of blood. But I guess it is normal when you've gone days without any action. We followed the vehicle all the way to a laboratory downtown, one that seemed to be still in use.

"The place must be crawling with kraang robots" Donnie stated

I sighed "these guys really are all over the place"

"If you think that, wait until you see Lady Liberty" Mikey laughed

I gasped "they're in there too?!"

"We don't have time for that" Leo scolded "we need to figure out a way to get in there unseen"

Donnie tapped his finger against his chin as he put his brain on overdrive "well the place doesn't seem heavily guarded so I bet we can sneak in with those shipments over there" he indexed to a couple of kraang bots unloading some packages from a truck

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