Chapter 11: love mishap

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Ever since I've started having these weird feelings, I've decided it was for the best if I'd just stay away from Leonardo. Therefore, I've stopped watching Space Heroes and I spend most of my time with Michelangelo in his room since my room has begun to bore me.

We were about to head out on another patrol. So I grabbed my mallet and sheathed it, swinging the sheath over my shoulders and heading out of my room to meet up with the others at the turnstiles. Everyone was there waiting for me, including Leo.

"Are you ready?" The blue-clad turtle asked me once I joined them

"Y-yeah" I answered with my usual bright smile "let's go!"

"Yeah!" Mikey cheered, taking my hand and dragging me through the underground tunnels of New York


We took our usual route and made it out of the sewers, quickly climbing up the nearest building and racing on the rooftops. I let the brothers take the lead and followed safely behind them. And instead of focusing on the road ahead, my gaze was permanently glued to the eldest of the brothers.

I watched him preform his aerial stunts with great perfection, almost drooling as I saw him smirking at his brothers who were unable to keep up with him. Seriously what is wrong with me?

My train of thoughts were cut short when I heard a clattering noise emitting from a nearby alley. I came to a stop and peeked over the edge, seeing a mutant warthog and his companion rhino hybrid wondering the city.

"Guys" I called discretely so the pig and rhino wouldn't hear

I got Donatello's attention and I beckoned him over. He obeyed and came to my side, gasping as he sees the two mutant freaks roaming the streets.

"Guys, Bebop and Rocksteady are up to something" the purple-clad terrapin spoke a bit louder then I had but just enough so the enemy wouldn't hear

The brothers finally came up behind us, hovering their heads over the edge as they observed the pig and rhino wondering bellow us.

"Let's give them a beat down" Raphael suggested, punching his fist into the palm of his other hand

Leo sent him a disapproving look "no, Raph. We need to find out what they're up to first"

"Yay! We get to spy on them" Mikey cheered only to get silenced by his brothers

I looked back down to see the two split and leave in different directions "guys, looks like they're separating"

"Then we'll split into groups" Leo said "Mikey and Raph, you guys got Bebop. Donnie, Skylar and I will take Rocksteady"

I gasped as I realized I would be stuck in a group with Leonardo in it "no!" I screamed

Leo gave me a questioning look "I mean...why don't I switch place with Raph? Rocksteady looks like a tough cookie so you'll need more muscles"

"I suppose you are right" He said distantly as he thought over it "okay, Raph, you're coming with us. Skylar you team up with Mikey"

"Yay!" Mikey cheered, forcing me into a bone crushing hug

And with that, we both went our separate ways. Being partnered with Michelangelo wasn't as bad as I thought. When things got boring he would crack me up with his jokes, but that would almost drive us to losing this Bebop guy.

"Who do you think would win between a shark and a panther?" The orange-clad asked as he hung upside down from a billboard sign as we spied on the mutant warthog

I shrugged my shoulders "I don't know and I don't think it matters. We have to focus before we lose him" I sent a glare his way before focusing back on the street where the warthog 'was'

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