Chapter 1: my beginning

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Another cold night in the streets of New York City. I had made the wrong choice wearing shorts and a tank top tonight. Walking home at night was also a bad idea, too many weird people come out at this time of the day. But worse, I was late for dinner. My mom has a strict rule about being out at night, she gave me a curfew. I have to be back home before seven. It was almost nine. I can only imagine what kind of punishment she'll give me this time.

Since I was in a hurry, I took every shortcut imaginable. I turned a corner into a dark alley. It was empty and deadly silent, well except for the hobo sleeping on an old matress on the sidewalk. I advanced without hesitation, it was only normal because I've taken this path thousands of time before. So I guess you could say I'm not afraid. Okay, I'm not totally scared.

I was still making my way down the alley when I heard a loud thud as if someone had dropped something pretty heavy. I surveyed the area for anything out of place. All that was found was a misplaced manhole cover.

"What the...?" I walked over to investigate. Nothing.

Though it was probably nothing much, this intrigued me. I know for a fact that it couldn't have been a rat because the cover is way to heavy for a single pest to move it. Something else must have done it. Just as I began my investigation, a sound came from above me. It sounded like people were on the roof tops of the building.

Like the curious girl I am, I followed the voices thanks to the fire escape. I pulled myself over the edge and onto the roof without breaking much of a sweat. I can't help but thank my mom for sending me to karate class. Oops, I forgot to mention that I'm actually a kunoichi trained in ninjutsu and karate. I also do a bit of judo.

I wasted no time on finding a hiding spot. Luckily there was an air vent close by so I hid behind there. Poking my head over the machinery, I was able to catch a glimpse of four figures. It was too dark up here to make out the details. But at least I was able to listen in on their conversation.

The first one that spoke up was the smallest one of the group "Guys, I'm so hungry! Can't we just skip tonight's patrol and order pizza"

The one besides him slapped him in the back of his head "shut up, Mikey!"

"The sooner we get started the sooner we can go home and order pizza okay?" A third one jumped into the conversation and the last one stayed silent

Without warning, they began to run and right before they got to the edge they leaped in the air and landed on the next roof top. My brain told me to go home and forget about this, but my instincts were telling me to follow them. I stayed there puzzled, unsure of what to do, but in the end, my instincts took over and my legs began to move.

As the edge drew near, I jumped into the air, almost like those guys did, and barely landed on the next roof top. As time passed, my jumping from roof to roof skills had improved, but I was barely catching up to the four figures. Whenever I seem to finally catch up to them, they were literally five blocks away. Finally, they stopped, giving me a chance to catch up. This time, I made sure to get close enough to see what they looked like.

I was shocked. Shells on their backs, green skin, bold heads and equiped with all sorts of weapons and a mask to hide their faces. They were not human, not at all. They were human sized, talking turtles and by the looks of it, ninjas as well. What did I get myself into now. A small gasp left my lips without realising it. The turtle with the blue mask turned around in my direction. He must have heard me. As fast as lightning, I hid myself behind a wall and covered my mouth for safety precaution.

"Guys, did you hear that?" It was the blue-clad turtle's voice "I feel like we're being watched"

"It's probably your imagination" another voice I didn't recognise said "I hear nothing"

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