Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14

Though I’m still exhausted from reading sorts of books earlier, I asked Frederic if he can teach me about anything that will help me pass the scholarship test. This isn’t cheating; I’m just being resourceful.

He agreed to meet me at the dorm’s library at five in the morning. Unlike any other library, the dorm’s library is open twenty-four hours.

“We’ll start with basic mathematics.” He says in his hilarious accent. He’s wearing a pajama and gray sweater with the hood covering his whole head revealing only his nose and lips.

I nod.

He let me memorize equations that are really scribbles my brain. I have studied math in middle school, and I have already read a basic math reviewer earlier this day, but I’ve never seen such equations. “You call this basic?” I ask him, upon seeing equations in calculus, minimal surface; and even the Callan-Symanzik equation, Euler-Lagrange equations and Noether's theorem are in his list of basic mathematics. He is unbelievable! I can't believe my brother beat him once in a math quiz bee during middle school.

“Um… Yeah?” he answers with confusion. “What do you think they’ll give you, a simple Pythagorean Theorem? If you want to pass the test, do what I say. Now, memorize!!”

“If you know the formulas, the problem will be easy. Substitution, I’m pretty sure know what it is, right?” he asks.

Of course I know what it is. It is the replacement of one mathematical entity by another of equal value. Who doesn’t know that?

Frederic is a terrible tutor. He scolds me like a little kid when I don’t get something right. After the nerve wracking ‘basic’ math of his, we proceed to general science, which is not ‘general’ for me because he let me memorize all kinds of human bones and muscles, even symptoms of rare diseases like CIPA are included in his ‘basic’ science. Next is logic, where I get most scowl from him.

“You’re a book-smart, Keesha.” he comments.

“What do you mean?” I frown at him. I don’t know if that was an insult or a compliment.

“You base everything on what books say. You memorize things as easy as pie, that you don’t ask any more if that’s really right. You lack in rational thinking. Focus on that for the next hour.”

I am in the shower room when the announcer’s voice filled the whole room. The sound echoes twice when she pauses. “Attention…. Attention”  

“Scholarship Applicants, please proceed to the lobby immediately…. Immediately”

I rush to our room and get change as quick as I can. I wear a black sleeveless and covered it with my brother’s jacket, and then pants and shoes.

Five students of different year levels are already waiting in the lobby when I arrive. Frederic is one of them. I am the last student to fall in line.

 They lead us to the ancient hallway and back to the examination building again. When we reach the examination building, two students are waiting.

Frederic and he’s group are assigned for the interview together with the professors. They’ll entitled to ask each student one question before the professors sauté us alive with their questions. While the two students, will be in charge for the test.

“Surnames from A to L, please follow Courtney and surnames from M to Z follow Tobi.” orders Frederic. Courtney, a third year Sage who happens to be one of my brother’s exes, raises her white skin hands and leads the way for those students who have surnames that starts with the letters mentioned and Tobi does the same.

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