Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter 16

I can’t sleep. Maybe because of excitement, or fear… or both.

Tomorrow will be our first class in Basic Defence Combat, it is a once a week class or should I say training. It is supposed to teach students to defend themselves from danger, when they say danger, it meant from other students who are stronger than us, the students from other districts. Only Sages have this kind of subject since the others have Power Control class, where Professor Nylon Watts handles.

Lucia and my other roommates are all sleeping soundly which makes me more awake. I put my jacket on instead and walk out of my room. Wandering around in the middle of the night is not a good idea for someone who wants to sleep, but there’s nothing else I can do. I can’t sit in my bed and think of my family; that will make me homesick.

There’s a ray of light in the stairs, so I follow it down and find out who’s on the first floor in this kind of hour. I see a man’s back in the lounge area of the dormitory. He’s sitting on one of the velvet chairs and silently flipping something, a book. I move closer to find who it is but I’m sure he’s not a Sage. Sages like to study in the library where almost every reading resources could be found. Silently, I walk until he speaks.

“Why don’t just go here and stop sneaking around.”

How could he know I’m here? He didn’t turn his head once or glance at my direction to see me. I’m quiet enough not to be notice by anyone, not even by animals in the woods when I’m hunting for something to be trade for. But him, how could he? That’s impossible!

“How… how did you know I’m here?” I finally ask, moving closer to him cautiously.

“I just know.” He says, and finally he turns his head to see me. It’s Sire Luke Thronus. “What are you doing down here? You’re supposed to be sleeping.”

He offers me the chair besides him, so I sit down as proper as possible; straight back, knees together and steady body. 

“Please, don’t be too formal with me. Humans don’t really sit that way.” He points his pen at me, and then he grins teasingly. “Slouch a little bit, and breathe. You don’t have to be that stiff.” He kind of orders me.

Smile suddenly forms in my lips, it’s uncontrollable! Then I sit the way I’m used to – Indian sit.

He is looking at me while I’m folding my legs and when I’m done, he says, “There, that’s better.”

“Now, answer me, what are doing here?” he asks which sounded more like an order. Maybe, that’s how Sires speak, bossy. But at least he speaks in a polite way, unlike the Mermaid who are rude or like the Argonians who are arrogant or the Erdas who are tactless.

I don’t know why I feel so shy when it comes to him. I even felt defenceless earlier, when he turned his head to see me, my knees felt weak. My knees were like old bark that crumbled down from a dead tree. I can’t remember having this kind of weakness when I’m with Terence. Maybe, I’m just too used to Terence and that Sire Luke is a Sire. “I… I can’t sleep.” I say sheepishly. What’s the matter Keesha? I ask myself. Why do I feel so cautious about myself whenever he is around?  Like I’m keeping my self so presentable or detailed – the way I look or speak.

“You’re not comfortable with me, are you? He asks gently.

I don’t even know that for myself.

He sighs deeply and says, “You don’t have to answer that, I already know. But, please, don’t be.” He looks me right in the eye. “People avoided me for that very reason; but, I want to have friends. I want to be normal. Social Status should not be the basis for living.” He adds.

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