Chim - Let Me Love You

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Kimberley's Point Of View

Three words that describe Cheryl Cole: cute, feisty and opinionated. That's why everyone loved her. From the beginning, she had always been the public's favourite. She was always the one who was talking bad about other celebrities or stating her opinion about situations going on in the world. She didn't care about what people thought of her, she just liked to be heard and acknowledged.

We were always meant to stick together, all five of us. That had been the plan since 2002, when Girls Aloud was created. There was a vision, and that vision was that Girls Aloud were always going to be a girl group, and no matter what, none of us were going to go off and do our on solo stuff. That changed though. When Cheryl got asked to be on the X-Factor, she became popular with everyone, and soon after that the record company had 'visions' of her doing a solo record. Of course all of us encouraged her to do it, she was our best friend, we weren't going to stop her. Girls Aloud were on a hiatus anyway, we all agreed that we would take some time out so that we could have some time to spend with our friends and family, and even try out some new career paths. That's where everything went wrong.

Sarah wanted to try out acting, so when we took our break that's what she did. She went for a few auditions and she got the part for a film. When it came out, Nicola, Nadine and I all went to the première with her to see it. Cheryl didn't turn up though, she said she was 'too busy'.

Nadine decided to try out with her solo career as well. It was a good choice for her to make because everyone knew that she was the one with the strongest vocals. The problem was that when everyone found out she was doing it, they instantly compared her to Cheryl and said that she was never going to be as successful.

Nicola also decided to try a solo career. Her album came out a few months ago, and of course, Nadine, Sarah and I were all there with her to support the launch of it. We were also there for her first live show, Cheryl wasn't though, she was going to come, but then she had an 'emergency' and couldn't make it.

I tried a lot of different things during the band's break. I went and done some presenting at first and then I starred in a children's film. As usual, Cheryl couldn't come and show up for that because she had something scheduled for that day. She was my best friend, and it hurt that she hadn't even bothered turning up for it. I had also featured on a music track. All the girls congratulated me and we all went out for a drink to celebrate. Well, everyone apart from Cheryl, she had a date that night and didn't want to fly over from America.

Cheryl had done a lot more than anyone else on the break. She had continued with the X-Factor, divorced Ashley, brought out two albums and was now currently in America working on her third. She had ended up buying a house out there because she was meant to be on the American X-Factor, but when she was kicked off, she stayed in America and worked on her album. Of course I was proud of her, all of us were, it's just a shame that we don't see her any more. That's her fault though, she never calls or texts any more. It's like she doesn't need us now that she has her new boyfriend, Craig... but he's another story. A story that I wouldn't even waste my breath telling to you. He was stupid, arrogant and we all hated him. Well, everyone except Cheryl that is.

So now, it's Girls Aloud's ten year anniversary and of course, we're going to do something special for it. We're all meeting up today with our management team to discuss everything and sort out plans. Cheryl's coming too, and I know that's going to cause problems. She's not talked to us for over six months, and yet she is under the illusion that she can come back in and expect everything to be like it was before. Well, she's wrong. Everyone and everything has changed, and it isn't going to go back to the way it was just because of her. She's going to be in for a big shock.

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