Chapter 23

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Part 23

All kinds of emotions were running through Kimberley's body as she waited anxiously for her wife to come through the airport. Cheryl had been in America for the past few weeks finishing off her existing projects. That was it now. She was finished in America. She had no reason to go back there. Kimberley usually went with her, but under her circumstances, she couldn't. When Kimberley saw Cheryl running towards her, she couldn't help but cry. She had missed her so much, and even though they called each other everyday, it just wasn't the same.

“I've missed you so much!” Kimberley cried as the smaller girl fell into her arms. It felt nice having her in her arms again. She had missed it.

“I've missed you too.” Cheryl replied as she reached up and kissed her. They knew people were watching them, but they didn't care. Cheryl's arms moved from Kimberley's waist to the bump that separated the two of them before bending down and placing a loving kiss on it. “How is Nick or Nicola?”

“Very healthy babe, we've got nothing to worry about.” Kimberley smiled when she saw the relief wash over Cheryl. Kimberley was pregnant which was why she couldn't fly with Cheryl. The baby was due any day now and Cheryl was glad they hadn't missed it. They didn't know if it was going to be a boy or girl, they decided they had wanted a surprise. They had picked out names though. Nicola for a girl and Nick for a boy. Of course, the baby was being named after Nicola. The two girls couldn't think of anyone else that it should be named after.

Nicola had done so much for the girls. She was the one who had told Hillary that if she didn't let Cheryl and Kimberley be together then she was going to quit the band. She was the one who had kept Kimberley company when Cheryl had to fly off to America and because of other work commitments Kimberley couldn't go with her. It was Nicola who had helped plan their perfect wedding and it had been Nicola who they told about the baby to first. It was safe to say that their ginger band mate was happy for them. She called them everyday to check up on Kimberley and the baby and she had even stayed with Kimberley when Cheryl was away. They hadn't told Nicola this yet, but she was going to be their child's godmother. It just seemed right.

“Nicola's been asking for you.” Kimberley said as the two of them began walking to the exit of the airport. “She says we need to have a catch up before this little one is born.” Cheryl watched as Kimberley glanced down at her stomach and ran her hand over it. Cheryl knew that Kimberley was going to make a fantastic mum. She had no doubt in her mind. She had seen Kimberley around kids and she was great with them. She was so loving and kind and their baby was going to have the perfect mum. She wasn't too sure it was going to have the perfect mam though. Cheryl was scared about them having a baby. She wanted one, there was no doubt about it. She just didn't know if she was going to make a good mam. Kimberley was the organised and stricter one out of the pair of them, she was also the one who was more affectionate. Kimberley knew how Cheryl was feeling, but she knew she had nothing to worry about. Cheryl was great and their child was going to love her. She had seen Cheryl play with her nieces and nephews and Cheryl was a big kid at heart. Kimberley already had it planned out: she would be the strict parent and Cheryl would be the fun parent. It didn't bother her though, as long as they were together as a family then it would be okay.

“Really? We'll invite her to pop over tonight and we can ask her about being Nick or Nicola's godmother.” Cheryl decided as they got to their car. “I think she'll be really excited.”After putting her suitcases in the boot of the car, she walked round to the passenger's side and opened the door for Kimberley before walking round to the driver's side and getting in. Cheryl didn't particularly want to drive, but the thought of Kimberley driving whilst pregnant scared her. She didn't even want Kimberley to drive to the airport today. It had taken a lot of persuading for her to finally agree to it.

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